Twitter Dewaniya: En6al3 BuKareem wella For9a Thaniya?

El Aïoun By | July 10, 2011

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On my way to work today I was thinking about how Ramadan is almost here and how much I miss Ramadan, Allah y3odna 3leeh insha2 Allah o in9omah. I am happy! I also remembered last year’s twitter dewaniya while watching Zwarat Khamees and Saher El Lail <3

To my surprise this morning Nunu_San tweeted for the Dewaniya members to watch Saher el Lail 2! Our Dewaniya will still be alive and kicking for the 2nd year in a row! Yay!

But there is a little problem. Saher El Lail is at night. What about the main show?What are we going to watch? Are we going to watch BuKareem written by the same writer as Zwarat Khamis & Om el Banat without Su3ad 3bdallah? Or are we going to watch Su3ad 3bdallah’s for9a thaniya?

Yalla dewaniya girls… vote and we will see Bukareem wella 2nd chance? Chinna Bukareem a7la feeh a7dath o kokash ebnee o looya?

P.S. I stole the picture above from Pink Girl’s Blog :p

18 Responses to “Twitter Dewaniya: En6al3 BuKareem wella For9a Thaniya?”

  1. hmmmmm

    7aqteen mel kel wa7da w ba3deen aqarer ;P

  2. Eshda3wa says:

    I vote bukareem.
    Wagt saher el lail kilish mo yayizli

    • danderma says:

      3ad entay ro7ay dawamich e7na in6ale3 saher el lail… bs saher el lail a must at night, nabi el must in the afternoon… ana b3d agool bukareem

  3. Nunu-San says:

    I vote Suad Abdulla’s .. Even though I did not see the trailers of both shows, bu kareem & Suad Abdulla’s

    Too bad Saher Al Lail is at night =(

    • danderma says:

      I saw el trailer mal bukareem only. bs shakla so3ad 3bdallah’s mosalasal kila dmoo3 o sanaseen o qahar :(
      Ee ma 3lena minah saher el lail 3ogob el futoor nabi ele gabel il futoor o e7na yowa3a shino :p

  4. Nunu-San says:

    ok I just saw both trailers, and my vote still goes to Suad Abdulla’s because Bu kareem seems much more ma2sawi .. Suad is less!

  5. FourMe says:

    I hate the entire cast of Bu Kareem, so im going with any other one.

    Dande wily yr7am waldaich shofelich 9rfa ma3a filling in details everytime i wana comment, tara zahagt everytime i fill in my details. Either fix it or i aint commenting no more *gives her the hand*

    • danderma says:

      We a3otho be Allah shashat fourme
      What do you mean its not my blogs problem its ur pc’s! Enable cookies or use google chrome!

  6. dandoon says:

    bu kareem shakilha 7ilwa, still ma shift trailer su3ad!

    either way, im doing it 7ag ilyam3a so i’ll watch anything u girl’s end up choosing!:) :*

    • danderma says:

      So lel7een 2 Bukareem, 1 Su3ad, and 1 neutral.. Fourme china galat ay shay b3d fa that’s 2 neutral… Zain :)

  7. Jacqui says:

    I don’t like the cast in BuKareem and I feel it’s going to be trashy so I would say Souad Abdullah’s but then again there is this other show mal Ibrahim Al Salal o that chick Haya Abdulsalam I am excited to see! What about that?

    Need the timings! I will create a Twitter List for the Dewaniya 😀

    • danderma says:

      bel3ax I don’t think its gonna be trashy at all! ana a7eb wdad el kuwary bs mali kholg dmoo3 o snaseen o bachi 6ool irmothan 3araftay ehe wayed her stories lovely bs ma2saweya…

      Tara ma ymn3 we watch both depending on timings!

  8. Ophy80 says:

    both same time?
    bukareem shakilha awnas
    bas so3ad 3abdallah shakil ilda3aya ghatha bas the name “forsa thanya” ilmafrooth inna hope ya3ni 😛 but still bukareem shakilha ilhit o loya

    • danderma says:

      Mo hatha ele ana agoolah bel thab6. Mali kholg dmoo3 o snaseen b3dain 3la akher 5 minutes of the last episode y6l3 elhope!
      O etha mo same time en6ale3hom ethnainhom eshwarana!