Do You Give Out People’s Emails without Permission?

Nevel’sk By | March 21, 2013

buy provigil generic online emarnI once wrote a post about people who give out other people’s phone number’s to anyone who would ask without permission first (post). It’s annoying, vulgar, and every bit an invasion on individual’s privacy especially if it’s not a business phone number. If giving out people’s private phone number’s without permission is bad, giving out their private emails is just as bad.

When people contact me on the blog, there is a contact form without a direct email address for a reason. At first I thought to myself why, let the email be public for everyone to use, right? That was my perspective until the day companies and marketing agencies began to contact me, and I replied. More than once, a few too many time to my dislike actually, after I reply to a company regarding anything, I find myself subscribed to a newsletter where I receive endless notification about products or services and I would have to go unsubscribe myself from it. When I replied to your email, it was because I wanted to reply to your query and NOT to be entered into your database to receive one million and one newsletters!

The etiquette of giving out and sharing people’s emails should be the same as the etiquette of giving out and sharing people’s private phone numbers. Do not distribute emails without their owner’s permission. Do not enter those emails in a newsletter they would have to subscribe from later without permission. And do not fill our mailbox with press releases out of the blue just because you heard X is a blogger who may or may not be interested in posting about every little thing you distribute to all other newspapers and media outlets. Also, we would appreciate it when you send an email to more than one person that you’d use the BCC option rather than the To or CC especially when people start replying to the email by pressing “Reply to All” and all of us keep getting snippets of your electronic conversation when we weren’t interested in what you had to say in the first place.

Have you ever given out someone’s email without checking with them first? Have your email ever given to someone or entered in a newsletter without your permission?

4 Responses to “Do You Give Out People’s Emails without Permission?”

  1. Saladicious says:

    Email ids yes cell fone numbers never.

  2. Jacqui says:

    Agreed! Sometimes I get a direct email inviting me to events and such and I remember that I never established a connection with this person before therefore how dare they address me without prior access to the Blog Contact form. It just feels weird and I think its some companies selling out Blogger Information (including our addresses and phone numbers) without our knowledge, I don’t mind being invited or getting freebies but at least ask me before sending something to my home and me being surprised that I got something delivered without my request.

    • danderma says:

      I agree it creeps me out when out of now where someone would show up on my door handing me an invitation when I already said no! Its like an invitation by force or something?