Blast from the Past: Ya Ghali by Getara By | March 11, 2011


10 years ago… a decade ago… yes it’s been a decade already… there was a rockin Q8y group called Getara that took Kuwait by storm. A hit song “Ya ‘3ali” came out and people went crazy… every one played the song for weeks!

It was really one special song… i was driving on 4th ring road the other day and i while listening to it… i was a college student again, getting out of the College of Engineering library at 12 am after working hard on a project, getting into my Mercedes CLK, putting the song on, thinking of Butootee, and driving at full speed while singing my heart out… only to arrive at my house and meet with my project partners continue our project… we were done at 2 AM in the morning…

I returned to the young college girl i was then… a person that is no longer there… in circumstances that no longer exist. It felt good to reacquaint my self with my former self. Especially when you don’t really know recognize your self any more. To return to those days… to capture a glimpse of who i used to be, all i have to do is put on Ya ‘3ali… if their is a song that can transform your mood and your surroundings entirely and take you back in time… it is Ya ‘3ali…

Do you remember ya ‘3ali!?

P.S. A special dedication to you, my Butootee, because you adore this song :)

12 Responses to “Blast from the Past: Ya Ghali by Getara”

  1. wicked says:

    Ohh thats cute, I have my special song too , its not getara for sure lol

    would really love to know about your story with bututti , how you guys met and all .. if you dont mind ;p

    • danderma says:

      Wicked: loool maybe one day… it’s not that interesting really :)
      Btw. that is not our special song. He just happens to really love this song. But who wouldn’t? Every one i know went crazy over it back then!

  2. pk says:

    This song was made into a Hindi song for the movie ‘Gangster’ few years ago :)

    • danderma says:

      pk: Ee china galaw Getara took the melody min il filim… don’t know which came first but it was a great song

  3. ilwawy says:

    i too love this song. it has a special memorry :)


    cant remember what year..11yrs ago i think.

    • danderma says:

      il wawy: LooooooooooooooooooooooL were u one of the dancers :p
      it’s 2001 fa i it’s 10 years 😀

  4. pk says:

    The hindi movie definitely came out later than Ya Ghali ..

  5. pk says:

    Sorry, but I don’t understand Arabic too well.. would appreciate you translating your comment in English .. lol

    • danderma says:

      pk: loool i meant how cute that someone is imitating a Kuwaiti band for a change 😀

  6. ilwawy says:

    yup.. this was back in 01-02 school trip to tarfehia or shi3b.. mathkur ay wa7da.. good times :)