Do you eat or drink food at the market before paying for them?

cheap disulfiram By | April 25, 2013

Anshan duefitcWhenever I shop at a Co-op or a super market, I sometimes notice that some shoppers take something off the shelves, open it, and start consuming it. Once or twice I even came upon empty wrappers thrown carelessly among the merchandise which means they are unpaid for. But most of the shoppers will take the eaten product to the cashier and pay for it.

I have to say I myself become very anxious if I’m in the company of someone who does that. I don’t like when that happens, because whether you like it or not, you are consuming something you haven’t paid for yet. A market is not the same as a restaurant. Plus, can you guarantee that by the time you make it to the cashier, your payments will actually go through?

I always wait until I’m in the car with my purchases fully paid for before I have a sip of water or a bite of chocolate. I would never open something and consume it before paying unless its an emergency, like I’m going to faint or something as drastic. Many people however don’t share the same view and think it’s OK and that everyone does it so why not, they will pay for it in the end. I’m not even sure if those markets allow customers to consume things before they were paid for in the first place.

Do you eat or drink food at the market before paying for them? and why?

28 Responses to “Do you eat or drink food at the market before paying for them?”

  1. Minty says:

    انا ما اسويها
    بس ساعات اذا عطشانه اشرب ماي

  2. Eiman says:

    I can understand sometimes when a baby (not a child) starts crying and his family decides to give him something because he/she is hungry or does not understand the system, but other than that I feel it is not a good thing to do at all.
    Not only because it encourages some people to consume goods and throw them away without paying, but also those who DO pay look like they are greedy or (mashfoo7).. I am really sorry about the description, but I see an entire family eating crisps, doughnuts, juice …etc while walking along. So it is not just a sip of water they had to take because they were thirsty.
    There is always a fast track lane, if people are hungry they should pay first and eat outside on a chair or in their cars then come back again and start shopping. Eating while sitting is one of the most important manners that the prophet peace be upon him taught us..

    • danderma says:

      Me too! This is exactly what I mean. Some people would waltz up and down the aisle munching like there’s no tomorrow! A baby crying or a person about to faint is one thing, eating just because you can’t resist food is different. What if you make it to the cashier and discover your wallet is at home?

      • Eiman says:

        yeh, and that too..
        well since you mentioned it, I remembered a really important Islamic rule for trading goods, which is (hand by hand) or (يدا بيد). If you buy something it is highly forbidden to think it is yours unless you hand the money to the seller with one hand and collect it with the other even if the intention to pay is there, you should never consider it yours until you pay. According to an Islamic scholar, this rule is highly admired by western economy scholars because they believe that most of the failed investments were made because the buyers thought they can pay, so the consumed goods that they did not have the money for. I know that I went a little of topic, but I thought it is really worth mentioning and contemplating. We have the simplest and most truthful life guide between our hands but as always we forget to put it in practice!! Thanks for bringing this up.. I enjoyed reading both the post and the comments.. <3

        • danderma says:

          You are most welcome and thank you! I never knew in Islam we had that law? I know of that you need to pay labour workers before their sweat dries off which is almost as immediate as the moment they are done from their work. Thank you :)

  3. Nawaf AL-Rudaini says:

    I do sometimes, and its only water, and only when I’m so thirsty that I would faint.

    • danderma says:

      I understand that. I can never grab an ice cream for example and eat it just because I felt like it. What if I’m at the cashier and my wallet wasn’t with me?

  4. swera says:

    mmmm I find it ok to open something & consume it because eventually you’re going to pay! I sometimes do it because I get thirsty very fast & of course when I’m done i’ll keep it with the other stuff to pay for it! Beside, there are cameras everywhere nowadays so I guess people who don’t pay after consuming such products can be monitored!

    • danderma says:

      But what if you cannot pay in the end? You forgot your wallet mathaln in your home? I understand if you drink water because you would faint otherwise I’d make an exception but otherwise it’s just too weird. People I’ve seen don’t mind eating a trolly’s worth of products though while shopping!

  5. SiLeNTGRL says:

    انا ما اسويهااا الااا كلش كلش مضطرة مثل اكون ناسية بطل الماي مالي واكون حيل عطشانه وراح اطول بالجمعية بس احطه بالعربانه علشان احاسبه تالي مع الاغراض

    • danderma says:

      الماي اتفهم لكن في آوادم ياكلون و يحلون و ما يوصلون الكاشير الا العربانة متروسة قراطيس!

  6. Lily Young says:

    I never understood how people could just freely snatch something and consume it in the market , never felt comfortable with it !

  7. Ghadeer says:

    I’d never do it. But I remember my mom doing it once because my young sister was very thirsty and was crying for water.

    • danderma says:

      But then she was a child in need and reduced to tears so it makes a good excuse to do so.

  8. Asmaa says:

    Never did it, never saw anyone in my family or among friends eat or drink before paying either. It is always good to practice patience. Why would I wanna eat among all strangers?

    • danderma says:

      I don’t honestly know! I can’t even eat in my car, it just doesn’t feel good. I love to eat either sitting down in a decent restaurant or in my house knowing very well its meal time and I will be enjoying it.

  9. OZLEM says:

    Hi Danderma,
    Even my kids were baby we thought them not to drink or eat before paying. I think they can wait little while. I don’t think it’s appropriate.

    • danderma says:

      I don’t think it appropriate as well. Unless perhaps a child is screaming his head off in hunger and can’t stand it any longer but that never happened to me before.

  10. I never eat or drink items before paying, it seems kinda rude and not good manners?

    • danderma says:

      It seems more like cheating to me since I haven’t paid yet. But then again there are exceptions to every rule like if it’s an emergency or something.

  11. noon says:

    ok im guilty, i do it all the time, drink water and juice when i’m walking around sultan center, its something that i like doing 😛 but hey i pay for it so i think its okay :p

  12. Asmaa says:

    So here goes,
    last night while buying m&m’s tubes, I found two weighing almost nothing…and shook them, and they were empty.. Surely they haven’t been placed there as TESTERS for buyers?

    • danderma says:

      Maybe they were placed there to demonstrate the packaging and fill the shelves :p
      Imagine if you had bought them when they’ve already been eaten? How fair is that?