Childhood in Q8 Means: Bufak Floona! By | March 14, 2010

Regente Feijó

The other day i saw a Fico Cardboard box of some potato chips and on the box there is a picture of Floona Bufak! I have not seen this bufak in AGES! Maybe since 1992! When we were kids in the 80’s we loved bufak a lot and tons of girls loved floona -i hated her wayed de3la- so Flona bufak was very popular! I think it’s discontinued now… Who eats bufak anymore now adays?! The things we used to eat… UGH!

Do you remember this bufak?!

12 Responses to “Childhood in Q8 Means: Bufak Floona!”

  1. Curly Curls says:

    heeey i still eat bufak .. w fluna is still around 😛

  2. Chirp says:

    i still eat bafak! I love it :p

    • danderma says:

      Min sejich?! LooooL i hate it’s smell :(
      but then again i do not eat potato chips asasan :)

  3. swera says:

    yaaaaaay sha5baariii!!! wallah thakartini eb ayam zeman a5eeeeh!!!!

  4. FourMe says:

    i still eat it and i’m from your era :p

    nothing beats a bufak, sunkist, and one kitkat.. ahh heaven!

  5. Duda says:

    Go to any supermarket, and you’ll see flona.. i dont think it ever stopped.

  6. ansam518 says:

    I’ve always seen flona… it was never discontinued 😉

  7. Standy says:

    looll the name is funny :)
    we had something similar but we stil can find it in the market

  8. BOBO says:

    i think its a type of fish (its called Chem), which has a poisinous thing on top of it.

    maybe its called cat fish in English

  9. Nouf says:

    I want Monchoos!! Do you remember it? Red with a shafaf smily face? There was a za3tar version in yellowish green.
    I’ve been looking in every jam3iya and firs3 the past 5 years, can’t find it!