Celebrating A Year in the Life of Gilmore Girls #GilmoreGirlsRevival

http://yookyoungyong.com/wp-content/plugins/anttt/simple.php By | December 2, 2016

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At this moment I’m sitting by the open window, a dark cloud is looming in the horizon and thunder has been rumbling on loudly for about ten minutes now. I’m the dictionary definition of a pluviohile, I literally open my eyes wide and begin to operate on an entirely different level when it rains, rain charges my soul the way Superman charges by the sun, hence this post that has been playing around again again in my mind.

I’ve also decided that perhaps I should have pursued a career in book-publishing. Why didn’t I? I don’t know, perhaps because it doesn’t pay too well? Perhaps I’m going to one day but until then I will stick to writing whatever comes to my mind in my little blog and you, my readers, will be the lucky ones to suffer through :p Read more »

How to Make a bowl of Vegan Banana “Nice” Cream?

By | September 4, 2016


I’m not a vegan, and can never be for my love of dairy is too great to abandon. In the recent year or so the Vegan movement seem to be taking over the planet for a moment -vegetarians, where are you?- and whenever I browse the social media account of a vegan I happen to come across one version or another of something they call “Nicecream” or “Nice Cream” and they keep raving about it the way they were raving about Read more »

Recipe: Lime-Marinated Giant Mushroom Fajitas

By | August 28, 2016


Fan of Mexican food? I absolutely am, in fact Mexican ranks second as my favourite cuisine of all times. Whenever I crave a fajita, a sizzling one with all the works, I usually head to one of the American franchises around Kuwait. However, since I’m trying to live a healthier life sans the excess salt, fat, and surprise spice that attacks my stomach mercileccily I began to make mine at home. This recipe must be the easiest, lightest, and quickest way to get a guiltless fajita fix. Read more »

Trying the Gluten-Free Cauliflower Pizza Crust

By | August 23, 2016


Let me start by stating the fact that I do not like cauliflowers.

In fact, I loathe them.

The smell, the taste, the texture. I’m a vegetable loving vegetarian who actually does crave broccoli but never could stand to be within a metre of cauliflower in any shape or form including the very famous fried cauliflower and eggplant sandwich we call Meshakkal in Kuwait. Never was a fan. The same goes for sweet potatoes, I just could never understand their over-sweetened taste nor embrace it as a vegetable.  Read more »

Trying Triangles Restaurant’s New Menu

By | August 21, 2016


A few days back I was invited by Triangle restaurant to try their new and different menu. I like triangle a lot and have seen pictures of their “new” items so needless to say I made sure to go with a good hungry appetite knowing exactly what I wanted to try. Lets say I was not disappointed at all and I’m warning you, dangerous pictures are awaiting you below.

Lucky for me, I arrived on a Saturday during a lull in the lunch service. It was between lunch and dinner and so I had the place to myself and took as many pictures as I’ve liked without bothering other diners. By the time I got to my main course though, the restaurant had filled up and there was a waiting list! So if my colourful pictures make you want to have your next meal over at Triangle, make sure to call before you go to make sure there are available tables. Waiting list I tell you!  Read more »

The Alphonso Mangoes from Wafra, Kuwait

By | July 30, 2016


Yes, the title is correct. This post and these pictures are telling the story of an Indian Alphonso mango tree, planted in a farm in Wafra area on the soil of Kuwait. The tree felt at home enough to bear not only regular Alphonso mangoes, no no, JUMBO alphonso mango fruits and there were enough of them to make it into a carton and arrive at my doorsteps about ten days ago!  Read more »

The Key Hunt for Parker’s Restaurant, Dubai

By | July 29, 2016


I’ve been bored by, well everything really. Do you ever seem to think that everything in life is the same? Same activities, same faces, same places, same routine, same old and nothing is new happening anymore?

Enter the key hunt for the By Parker’s restaurant!

You see, there is something about having to earn your entry into a new food establishment. I recall once reading something like that in a magazine about a spot in a trendy hipster part of London, that unless you answer the gatekeeper’s riddle you won’t be allowed to climb through the wall into the restaurant or something. I loved the intrigue, the being there but out of reach except for the worthy kind of attitude. Of course its also fun, that’s why I’ve been following the SnapChat of by Parker’s in Dubai forever and deciding that the moment I set foot in Dubai, on the very night I do, I’m not going to rest until I do hunt for the key and actually claim it for myself. Read more »

Anime/Movie Cravings for Lunch!

By | January 25, 2016


What makes you crave something? badly?

Me? Believe it or not its cartoons! Anime to be exact, the Japanese ones that we grew up watching. Whenever they gather around a dining table, those glittering dishes, specifically those steaming bowls of soups with a side of little bread. I was always hungry after watching an episode with food, and don’t get me started on Ninja Kabamaro’s chowmein insatiable appetite! Read more »

Special Maryam’s Divine Brunch on the Rooftop!

By | January 25, 2016


A while back, OK a few months back, I’ve had the pleasure of being invited for a “special” lunch cooked by the one and only Special Maryam, the amazing young chef who is makes the luscious bagels and melt-in-your-mouth fresh pastas of Maria Rustica and, the one behind the menu of the one and only Bao, which I’ve had the pleasure in sinking my teeth into several times and if you’ve read my review you’d know how much I’ve enjoyed it.Lucky me headed to a “secret” rooftop in Kuwait City, on a 31st floor overlooking a dazzling 360degrees view of Kuwait’s capital. Read more »

Bazaar’s Eating in Kuwait Guide 2016… and Me

By | January 22, 2016


I have a shelf in one of my bookcases that I’ve dedicated to books that come in a special “collection”. It contains the surviving copies of my old Mickey magazines, my 1001 nights stories, copies of my own two Dathra books, my collection of Ikea catalogue dating back to the start of this century, and my collection of the annual Bazaar eating in Kuwait guides from 2008 onwards.  Read more »

Vegetarian Options I wish for in 2016 Kuwait

By | January 21, 2016


To start off let me clarify one thing, this is not an ad. I’m a vegetarian living in Kuwait, a foodie, and I love eating out. I do not believe in house help or enslaving humans in the name of housekeeping, therefore I have to fend for myself to find something to eat after working for eight hours a day and returning home by 4 P.M. I am not shy to say I love eating out, we are the capital of 8000+ restaurants after all! Why Kuwait isn’t the capital of the culinary world still is beyond me, an overdue movement that I hope should start soon. Read more »

Recipe: Pear and Berries Salad

By | December 17, 2013


This is not a recipe per say, its just a salad I tossed together because I didn’t want the fruits in my fridge to go bad and added a few bits and pieces there. Salad, especially with berries, is more of a summer or spring dish than winter which you’d want to keep warm in with a chunky vegetables soup and crunchy pieces of bread. Perhaps some melted cheese and rubbed garlic on that bread. Mmm… in any case, I don’t mind salads in the winter at all and this berries and pear salad with warm cheese and warm caramelised nuts would add a bit of colour to those grey afternoons.  Read more »

Breakfast at Karak Gholam

By | October 23, 2013


My friend and fellow blogger Ansam has been busy lately. A couple of weeks ago she  finally was going to share her love of food with the rest of us with the launch of “Karak Gholam”, Kuwait’s newest Karak cafe where Ansam is a co-owner. Karak is a drink that’s basically tea, milk, sugar, and Indian spices cooked together. Rather, its the equivalent of a spiced chai latte and I’m not sure if Karak is the official Indian name for it but its been forever popular in neighbouring GCC countries like Qatar and the UAE and is currently taking Kuwait by storm.  Read more »

Lunch at GIA Mediterranean Cafe

By | October 21, 2013


I think it was back during the holy month of Ramadan when I first started following the instagram account of GIA cafe. They were testing their dishes and I knew by looking at what they had to offer that I wanted to try them out, really wanted to, for they reminded me of Ottelenghi’s in London. After a long wait, they finally opened their doors yesterday afternoon and I wasted no time heading over to GIA’s for some lunch.  Read more »

Salad Boutique’s New Office Meal Box

By | October 1, 2013


I’m a big fan of Salad Boutique, always been and always will. I’ve ordered their salads on many occasions before, either to take with me for a gathering or to simplify salad making for gatherings held at my place. I don’t usually order them for my own meals though since the portion is too big and it takes me several days to finish one salad which ends up old and wilted, and wilted salads are not that fun per-say. I always wondered why they don’t introduce individual portion salads suitable for one person and they didn’t until last week when they launched their new corporate solution menu.  Read more »

Shakshooka Pop-up Market is Back!

By | September 25, 2013


Back in June I managed to visit the very last Shakshooka pop-up farmers market before the start of summer and I fell in love with everything shakshooka! The concept, the carefree spirit, the mystery of waiting for the next market and not knowing where it’s going to be until just before it happens, and most importantly the food items you could buy: all organic, healthy, natural, and delicious! Then summer came and went and fall arrived, bringing the Shakshooka market back! Read more »

Recipe: Quinoa with Okra Stew

By | September 23, 2013


Ever since I began cooking quinoa I really wanted to use it with one particular dish, maraq bamiya (okra stew). You see, if quinoa passes the maraq bamiya test, it can reside their proudly on my pantry for the rest of time, banishing every last morsel of rice from the premises. The dieticians in Kuwait have been urging us to replace rice with quinoa and I already tried that twice with the quinoa mushroom risotto and the quinoa with dill & broad beans (bajela w shbent) and both time quinoa posed as the perfect protein-packed fiber-laden replacement to white rice therefore I Read more »

Quinoa Bread and Pizza Base from J’s Bakery

By | September 18, 2013


Lately I’ve been doing nothing but trying to concentrate on making my diet work and trying to stick to a healthy life style, therefore you will be seeing a few more diet food related posts every now and then on my blog. Earlier this week, I’ve seen Ansam cooking a dish on instagram using quinoa bread she got from J’s Bakery. Read more »

Recipe: Quinoa & Grilled Bell Peppers Salad

By | September 16, 2013


Since I’ve been having quinoa, almost on daily basis, for the past few weeks I always am on the look for new ways of eating it. My favourite quinoa dishes are almost always salads and this one, with grilled bell peppers a.k.a. capsicums. On the day I took these pictures I only had some yellow bell peppers in the fridge but my absolute favourites are grilled red bell peppers. Read more »

Trying Kuwait’s First Ramen Burger at Diner Restaurant

By | September 16, 2013


Last week was the opening diner, a new burger place in Kuwait City and the newest addition to the thriving and already saturated burger scene in town. Why would I go to another burger place? Because they are the first in Kuwait to serve the Ramen Burger, the latest burger craze that took NYC by a storm, replacing the bun with Ramen noodles.

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Recipe: Quinoa with Broad Beans & Dill

By | September 9, 2013


Growing up, rice with broad beans & dill or what we call in Kuwait “Bajela w Shbent” was a favourite lunch dish of mine. It is traditionally made with chunks of meat and daqqos tomato sauce at home but I’ve always opted to mix it with low fat yoghurt instead. I was craving it the other day but since I’m still on the path of losing the Ramadan weight and testing out quinoa in recipes I’ve decided to make the dish, subsituting rice with quinoa and see how it would turn out. To my surprise the recipe turned out to be a success and had I not made the dish myself I wouldn’t have realised I was actually eating quinoa!  Read more »

Dinner At Atari Asian Tapas Restaurant

By | September 8, 2013


The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “Atari” is the Atari video games we used to play in the very early 80’s, therefore when  a new restaurant with the name Atari opened up a while back the name did catch my attention and made me want to dine there, and I finally had the chance to do so last Thursday.  Read more »

The Butcher’s Den Bloggers Tasting

By | September 7, 2013


Last week we had the pleasure of being invited to a private tasting event of the new menu at The Butcher’s Den. I’ve been to the Butcher’s Den before and liked it a lot although the service was a bit clunky since they were in their soft opening phase still. Now that they are operating full time I expected the service to be top notch and indeed it was. Read more »

Breakfast at Circle Cafe in Dubai

By | September 5, 2013


When I was last in Dubai I kept hearing and reading reviews of a Circle cafe. The reviews raved about the lovely interior and really distinguished food. One morning as we were driving down Jumeirah Road we saw Circle Cafe and decided to stop for breakfast. Read more »

Wasl Square in Dubai

By | September 4, 2013


Last time I was in Dubai I wanted to see the Gift ATM that sells gifts 24 hours in S*uce Gifts shop. The address said ‘Wasl Square’ a place I’ve never been before but when I did go I kept going back. Wasl Square is a cosey modern residential project located at the intersection of Wasl Road and Safa Park, with an open space that hosts cafes with outdoors seating and open plus a nice collection of stores and restaurants. Read more »