What I Got from Kuwait’s Book Fair 2011

buy provigil in the uk By | October 22, 2011


I went to Kuwait’s book fair  early this morning. Thankfully it wasn’t very crowded for people were still in their beds when we went. It took us around two hours to quickly skim through and buy several books. The first book we bought was The Encyclopedia of the Kuwaiti Dialect which is quite interesting and beneficial. A great addition to my book collection. Price tag? 12 KD.

Another book I bought was The Diaries of an Angry Young Man by the recently deceased Anees Mansour. A great Egyptian writer and one of my top ten favorite Arabian writers. Allah yer7omah Insha2 Allah.

When I was young I used to love these book and had most of the collection. Sadly my mother disposed of them while she cleared out the junk in the house. When I saw my childhood books I couldn’t resist buying them all again!

My husband got himself several religious books that can be taken for 7aj as he is planning to performe the hajj piligramige this year. Prayers books and how to perform 7ajj.

He also found this complete collection of Tafseer el Qur2an on DVD for the late Mo7amed Al-Shaarawi. He can listen to this wherever he is: in the car, on a headphone, downloaded to an Ipod. I suppose we must be updating his Ipod with the contents of those DVD’s. Price tag? 15 KD.

I also got this index for all the titles currently available in the book fair two days ago from the Avenues mall. I will flip through it tonight to see if I missed anything and then I am going back insha2 Allah for another visit.

10 Responses to “What I Got from Kuwait’s Book Fair 2011”

  1. Dear Romeo says:

    Dandiii, I’m jealous :((( too busy to pass by & grab some books
    3laich bl3afya, nabi review 4 each & every one ;Pp~

  2. Marzouq says:

    Honestly the book selection and variety in the Kuwait Bookfair is depressing and so is the display! Not what it used to be a long time ago!

    When you have a chance check out the AbuDhabi book fair, even surpasses the one in Frankfurt! So well done and so many books!

    • danderma says:

      Is it? Must check it one day. The UAE section alone in the Kuwait book fair ayanin! I was wondering how their fairs go!

  3. bokhaddah says:

    Sharjah bookfair is on 16th November by the way, I had a great experience last year and I recommend anyone to pass by in their free time.

    • danderma says:

      16th of November? Maboga shay! Chanzain I can pass by if even for a weekend! Thank you.

  4. Why dont i see any 3abdelwahab alsayyed’s books?????????????
    Being his fan I promote for him as if I promote for myself!!! Whyy whyy? :(