Celebrating A Year in the Life of Gilmore Girls #GilmoreGirlsRevival

http://pulsobeat.com/new-release-crimeapple-metralleta-ep-njcolombia-hip-hop/ By | December 2, 2016

Lerdo de Tejada yitlogg04

At this moment I’m sitting by the open window, a dark cloud is looming in the horizon and thunder has been rumbling on loudly for about ten minutes now. I’m the dictionary definition of a pluviohile, I literally open my eyes wide and begin to operate on an entirely different level when it rains, rain charges my soul the way Superman charges by the sun, hence this post that has been playing around again again in my mind.

I’ve also decided that perhaps I should have pursued a career in book-publishing. Why didn’t I? I don’t know, perhaps because it doesn’t pay too well? Perhaps I’m going to one day but until then I will stick to writing whatever comes to my mind in my little blog and you, my readers, will be the lucky ones to suffer through :p Read more »

How to Make a bowl of Vegan Banana “Nice” Cream?

By | September 4, 2016


I’m not a vegan, and can never be for my love of dairy is too great to abandon. In the recent year or so the Vegan movement seem to be taking over the planet for a moment -vegetarians, where are you?- and whenever I browse the social media account of a vegan I happen to come across one version or another of something they call “Nicecream” or “Nice Cream” and they keep raving about it the way they were raving about Read more »

The Rainbow Bookshelves

By | September 1, 2016


For a while now almost every bookworm social media account I’m following was rearranging their collection of books in a colour-coded book theme so the end result would resemble a rainbow. I have an ancient photo of my bookshelves when I was a kid back in the early 90’s, my collection of some magazines were arranged Rainbow style but I have to look for the picture and scan it before I can share it with you, most likely in this post. Anyway, since my bookshelves are overflowing and organising the books in a readable manner became one messy affair, I thought I’d dedicate myself to this task and arrange all my books rainbow-style. After all, how hard can it be, right?  Read more »

The @f2odesigns Colouring Books

By | August 22, 2016


If you’ve been around my blog for a while then you’ll know how much I love and admire f2o’s artistic talent and designs, so much that my book cover is actually illustrated by f2o<3 Just before Ramadan was out and everyone ready to flock the country to their summer vacations Fatima Al-Othman, the lady behind f2o, sent me a bag of her latest products: colouring books, a current trend in its own, featuring f2o’s children, Essa and Asya, with the Alphabets in Kuwaiti dialect.  Read more »

Trying Triangles Restaurant’s New Menu

By | August 21, 2016


A few days back I was invited by Triangle restaurant to try their new and different menu. I like triangle a lot and have seen pictures of their “new” items so needless to say I made sure to go with a good hungry appetite knowing exactly what I wanted to try. Lets say I was not disappointed at all and I’m warning you, dangerous pictures are awaiting you below.

Lucky for me, I arrived on a Saturday during a lull in the lunch service. It was between lunch and dinner and so I had the place to myself and took as many pictures as I’ve liked without bothering other diners. By the time I got to my main course though, the restaurant had filled up and there was a waiting list! So if my colourful pictures make you want to have your next meal over at Triangle, make sure to call before you go to make sure there are available tables. Waiting list I tell you!  Read more »

The Key Hunt for Parker’s Restaurant, Dubai

By | July 29, 2016


I’ve been bored by, well everything really. Do you ever seem to think that everything in life is the same? Same activities, same faces, same places, same routine, same old and nothing is new happening anymore?

Enter the key hunt for the By Parker’s restaurant!

You see, there is something about having to earn your entry into a new food establishment. I recall once reading something like that in a magazine about a spot in a trendy hipster part of London, that unless you answer the gatekeeper’s riddle you won’t be allowed to climb through the wall into the restaurant or something. I loved the intrigue, the being there but out of reach except for the worthy kind of attitude. Of course its also fun, that’s why I’ve been following the SnapChat of by Parker’s in Dubai forever and deciding that the moment I set foot in Dubai, on the very night I do, I’m not going to rest until I do hunt for the key and actually claim it for myself. Read more »

Special Maryam’s Divine Brunch on the Rooftop!

By | January 25, 2016


A while back, OK a few months back, I’ve had the pleasure of being invited for a “special” lunch cooked by the one and only Special Maryam, the amazing young chef who is makes the luscious bagels and melt-in-your-mouth fresh pastas of Maria Rustica and, the one behind the menu of the one and only Bao, which I’ve had the pleasure in sinking my teeth into several times and if you’ve read my review you’d know how much I’ve enjoyed it.Lucky me headed to a “secret” rooftop in Kuwait City, on a 31st floor overlooking a dazzling 360degrees view of Kuwait’s capital. Read more »

Lunch at GIA Mediterranean Cafe

By | October 21, 2013


I think it was back during the holy month of Ramadan when I first started following the instagram account of GIA cafe. They were testing their dishes and I knew by looking at what they had to offer that I wanted to try them out, really wanted to, for they reminded me of Ottelenghi’s in London. After a long wait, they finally opened their doors yesterday afternoon and I wasted no time heading over to GIA’s for some lunch.  Read more »

Shakshooka Pop-up Market is Back!

By | September 25, 2013


Back in June I managed to visit the very last Shakshooka pop-up farmers market before the start of summer and I fell in love with everything shakshooka! The concept, the carefree spirit, the mystery of waiting for the next market and not knowing where it’s going to be until just before it happens, and most importantly the food items you could buy: all organic, healthy, natural, and delicious! Then summer came and went and fall arrived, bringing the Shakshooka market back! Read more »

The Playground’s Ordeal

By | September 11, 2013


Dreading the moment the coach calls out to them to spilt into teams, she fidgeted in her wake, not exactly sure what to do with her hands. What was she doing with her hands a moment ago? When she wasn’t so aware of the fact that the time has come for the ultimate popularity battle? Read more »

Recipe: Quinoa with Broad Beans & Dill

By | September 9, 2013


Growing up, rice with broad beans & dill or what we call in Kuwait “Bajela w Shbent” was a favourite lunch dish of mine. It is traditionally made with chunks of meat and daqqos tomato sauce at home but I’ve always opted to mix it with low fat yoghurt instead. I was craving it the other day but since I’m still on the path of losing the Ramadan weight and testing out quinoa in recipes I’ve decided to make the dish, subsituting rice with quinoa and see how it would turn out. To my surprise the recipe turned out to be a success and had I not made the dish myself I wouldn’t have realised I was actually eating quinoa!  Read more »

Dinner At Atari Asian Tapas Restaurant

By | September 8, 2013


The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “Atari” is the Atari video games we used to play in the very early 80’s, therefore when  a new restaurant with the name Atari opened up a while back the name did catch my attention and made me want to dine there, and I finally had the chance to do so last Thursday.  Read more »

Movie Review: We Are the Millers

By | September 6, 2013


“We Are the Millers” movie is currently third on the US box office chart for the fourth week since it’s release and since it just arrived to the cinemas of Kuwait I wasted no time booking tickets for a movie with such box office success. Read more »

Wasl Square in Dubai

By | September 4, 2013


Last time I was in Dubai I wanted to see the Gift ATM that sells gifts 24 hours in S*uce Gifts shop. The address said ‘Wasl Square’ a place I’ve never been before but when I did go I kept going back. Wasl Square is a cosey modern residential project located at the intersection of Wasl Road and Safa Park, with an open space that hosts cafes with outdoors seating and open plus a nice collection of stores and restaurants. Read more »

The Avenues Summer Carnival

By | September 2, 2013


When I first set foot on the Grand Avenues during the Avenues construction site visit, I could almost imagine a European like walkway lined with cafes and international shops. Then when the Avenues did finally open and became the place to be in Kuwait, it did feel like you were travelling every time you walk down it’s vast corridors. Last week, Read more »

Dinner at Pintxos Restaurant

By | September 1, 2013


There, at the very end of the Seif strip of restaurant overlooking the Seif Palace, sits a restaurant space that now has the name Pintxos. Many restaurants have come and gone in this particular spot, an Italian one if I recall correctly, then another Japanese one. None of the restaurants that opened in that spot were successful even though the area is popular and the restaurant space is big with lovely outdoors seating. It wasn’t meant to be I suppose. Read more »

Heil & Zafa’aran Eid Breakfast Basket

By | August 27, 2013


Just before the start of the Eid holiday Heil & Zafa’arn, a local bakery selling traditional Kuwaiti desserts and sweets, sent me a big basket filled with their goodies. The basket had a greeting card attached to it with the words “Eid Breakfast” printed on it in Arabic, and a lavish Eid breakfast basket it was indeed! Read more »

Dinner at Eight Restaurant

By | August 25, 2013


A couple of weeks ago users on instagram began sharing the account and pictures of a new restaurant in Kuwait City that goes by the name of Eight. I saw the pictures and the bio of the restaurant promised an exclusive, luxury, dining experience and I knew I wanted to try it at once. Read more »

Thinking of a Time Capsule Project

By | August 19, 2013


I was watching TV yesterday when a group of people in some series decide to dig up a time capsule they buried during their childhood and open it with their children. As the characters on the screen unearthed and opened up their time capsule, I felt a pang of excitement mixed with nostalgia waiting to see what they’d be displaying. Then I wished fervently that I had a time capsule of my own that I’d dig up one day and reminisce about the contents, but of course I never had and I suppose it’s a bit too late.  Read more »

Yamanote Atelier the First Japanese Cafe in Dubai

By | August 18, 2013


On the night before I left for my eid holiday in Dubai my friend Mira whatsapped me about Yamanoti, a newly opened Japanese bakery & cafe in Dubai thinking I’d like to check it out. She was right of course, for the moment I set my eyes on their instagram account I knew I wanted to try it on the first day of Eid and I did manage to do so.  Read more »

The Gelato Marathon

By | August 17, 2013


Since the holy month of Ramadan and Eid days are now over I’m trying to get into my normal daily life routine, plus going on a diet to control my appetite after the daily feasts of the past few weeks. I have been doing very good, only my friends who I haven’t been out with in forever were craving gelato and one thing led to another and we found ourselves having a mini gelato marathon in the Avenues. Read more »

Movie Review: The Wolverine

By | August 17, 2013


My favourite X-Men, Wolverine, is finally back in The Wolverine movie. I’ve been waiting to watch it forever and it finally premiered on 15 August in Kuwait. Of all the movies I’ve been waiting for this year, The Wolverine might very well be my favourite.  Read more »

Things to Do in Dubai: Dine in Wafi Gourmet

By | August 15, 2013


Whenever I am in Dubai I have a last day before boarding the plane ritual. It involves checking out of the hotel, driving to Dubai Mall, ending up our shopping and then grabbing some lunch in Wafi Gourmet before heading to the airport. Wafi Gourmet is a Lebanese restaurant chain in Dubai that sells a lot of Lebanese delicatessen items and is also a restaurant. Read more »

Beautiful Dubai During Ramadan & Eid

By | August 15, 2013


This post is to remember the very last day of Ramadan 1434 and the first days of eid I’ve spend in Dubai in 2013. Dubai was quite busy as usual, hot and humid during August for sure, but the festive mood was indeed in the air with Ramadan decorations and eid celebrations.  Read more »

Lunch at Vapiano in Dubai Mall

By | August 13, 2013


For the past Eid holiday I’ve been to Dubai for a miniature summer break and change of scenery. One of the restaurants I look forward to dining in when in Dubai is Vapiano. I’m not sure where the franchise Read more »