Exhibition: Pretty Little Things

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I was invited last week to attend a new exhibition called “Pretty Little Things”. The organizer Ms. Noaf Hussein seemed very sweet and even though I couldn’t attend on the first days she contacted me again and I was intrigued. I made it in the very last day.

The exhibition was held in a villa built in the 60’s and recently renovated in Edailiya! I   love love LOVE 60s houses and architecture so I almost gasped when I realized this old villa was the exhibition place. It is called villa 16 located in one of Edailiya’s main streets.

My first stop was at Qumar 14’s stand. Have I already told you that I adore their winter bishts? No? Remember this post (link).

More colors of the winter Bisht were available and I have to say the purple which was worn by the designer while tending to the stand was much more beautiful than my brown one! If you are planning on getting yourself one get the purple one.

My next stop was in “The Yard” location. They were many interesting stuff to look at. For example this wagon filled with funky gadgets.

This beautiful satin shirt.

This SIM card holder which I think is a brilliant idea so I bought myself one. I put my UK SIM card and my VIVA card with the puck and pin number in it now.

Quirky blank notebooks for writing.

Interesting items! I asked about the availability of their salted caramel spread, the one they distributed  during last Ramadan. Sadly they said they don’t stock it at the moment :( Anyways here is their website information.

Nest I passed by Silsal Ceramics place. A beautiful handmade pottery that combines both the funky and traditional designs in cups, vases, plates, candle holders, etc. I loved these candle holders.

I loved those mugs too!

There are many more good pieces but all my pictures are horrible! For more about Silsal Ceramics you can visit their website (link) or call them on 99006123 or visit their store in Hawalli, Ibn Khaldoun St., Al-Ritaj Building, 2nd floor, office 3.

Then it was time to go to Goji Boutique’s section. Going gaga over their items is an understatement especially given that most items were reduced into bargain prices. Check out this lovely bracelet! I couldn’t let it go and I bought it immediately.

This rubber bracelet which is also beautiful.

I didn’t buy that one but I did buy the blue one behind it :p

I also bought this brown winterish blouse. It is one wide side like a poncho on one side and a normal sleeve on the other. It looks better in real life.

I almost bought this Batman Ring as well.

and this is my beautiful new clutch! Showcased here by the very sweet Ms. Hawazen one of Goji Boutique’s owners!

In the opposite room there was Baby B’s section which had many cute stuff for babies and toddlers.

When I was finally done and nearly broke Ms. Noaf insisted I sit with her outside for a cup of tea. The seating was very cosy indeed.

The weather was amazing. Twinkling fairy lights surrounding comfy plush seating.

Fresh tea was made and served immediately. Quite refreshing in the cold weather.

Candles and lanterns everywhere.

Even blankets were provided, folded on each seat.

So you can imagine how cosy the setting was. I drank my tea with Ms. Nouf and we ended up chatting for almost an hour. The girl is quite extraordinary I tell you. The amount of effort she’d put in this exhibition is humongous and the attention to details is amazing. She told me how she put it all together and we had so much fun chatting!

The Baking Tray, with their cookies, drinks, sandwiches, and pastas were catering in the event. So were their newest restaurant Home Slice Pizza.

Plus their Bess Foul Bess Falafel as well.

While we were having tea Ms. Nouf disappeared for a while and returned with two loaded handbags with my name on them! I was speechless!

I didn’t have time to photograph all the items in the bags but dear fellow Ansam did (post). I must say it was quite a generous haul of all the items in the exhibition indeed!

Thank you dear Nouf for your invitation and for the great effort you’ve done to make the Pretty Little Things that special. I truly hope it becomes an annual exhibition! I wish you the best of luck and next time we need more than 3 days please!

4 Responses to “Exhibition: Pretty Little Things”

  1. Summer says:

    I never knew that baking tray owned home slice!! Both have really good food!

    • danderma says:

      and bess foul bess falafel as well… Baking Tray is my favorite though… the cookies the cookies the cookie <3

  2. Noaf says:

    Danderma! Your photos are SO NICE! Loved the fresh perspective and attention to detail. It transported me back to PLT. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming, having tea with me, and the embarassingly sweet compliments. I genuinely enjoyed myself and look forward to when we meet next! :)