Aaya Perfumes Gift Set from Zafaf Magazine

forbiddingly By | May 10, 2012


We got a knock on the door, and there was a black bag with a “Saja Perfumes” embossed in gold on it. I was puzzled, who would send me this?

Inside was a copy of Zafaf magazine. Flipping through I noticed lots of articles, tips, and directories for every bride to be in Kuwait. Nice! I didn’t know we had such a magazine in Kuwait. I like that!

And a very sweet card.

Plus this golden box with Aaya perfumes written on it.

What woman doesn’t like perfumes? I am a sucker for perfumes, particularly Arabian ones (post). So when I opened this box my heart did a somersault of happiness, for there were not one, not two, but three bottles of perfumes inside!

Oud Flower, Purell, and Black Oud. I grabbed each one and began to spray and take a whiff immediately.

The first bottle I’ve grabbed, naturally, was the Black Oud. It smelled good, but oud wise it was very light and I like my oud very bold. Its great for summer though because you don’t want to overwhelm people with a strong oud scent. My husband who is less of an bold oud fan keeps spraying himself with it.

Purell, with a limited edition phrase written on the bottle, was very nice. My husband took that away too and kept them in his section of the perfumes.

This one, Oud flower, is my favorite and it smells really, really, good! I loved this one  A LOT!

I wonder where Ayaa perfumes are located, and whether they are Aaya or Saja perfumes? I am a bit confused. I truly want to go and try the rest of what they have on offer. I remember I’ve read about them before somewhere but for the life of me I cannot remember where? Would I recommend these perfume? You bet. Would they make a good gift for a perfume lover? Absolutely. Especially given that it came with Zafaf magazine so if you know a bride to be or want wedding giveaways or incorporate those in your wedding you might want to check them out, especially since they are not that well known or widely spread in Kuwait.

Thank you Zafaf and Mirna for sending this lovely bag my way, you really and truly made my day. You can know more about Zafaf magazine from their website (link).

6 Responses to “Aaya Perfumes Gift Set from Zafaf Magazine”

  1. We’re very happy you enjoyed our issue, and both you and you’re husband liked the perfumes! On a side note, Saja Perfumes is located at Salem Al Mubarak, Omniya Center, Ground Floor :) Please let us know if you need any further details about anything we featured in our magazine xx

    • danderma says:

      Thank you very much for your generous gesture. The man has confiscated the box all together which proves that a set of perfumes is the perfect gift for couples who can both, share it -erm kinda!-. I sure will :)

  2. Hi there … I am Saja perfumes owner first of all thank you for your sweet comments on the perfumes … Secondly aaya is the name of the 3 selected perfumes and the concept and the company name is SAJA we are located in salmiyah omniya complex next to sultan center ground floor

    • danderma says:

      You are most welcome and thank you for the explanation. Insha2 Allah I will be paying your store a visit soon :)

  3. Jacqui says:

    Looks lovely 3alaich bl 3afya! 😀