Blast from the Past: Pillow's 7yaka! By | November 7, 2010

Monte Caseros

I have been decluttering lately when i dug into an old dusty box and found these! OMG! i remember how crazy we were about these when we were kids -and teenagers!- i remember going to from one Co-Op to another, looking at the little orange boxes sold in the kolaf store and trying to choose a 7yaka as we used to call it, then we would spend hour upon hour with the little threads and the little hook thing pulling the thread into a knot on the mesh! My mom made my first ever swan 7yaka into a pillow for me and the 2nd one i ever finished -bilzoor- was heart shaped therefore it took literally forever to find a heart shaped pillow that would fit. Still waiting!

Do you remember these “7yaka”? have you ever made pillows out of them?

22 Responses to “Blast from the Past: Pillow's 7yaka!”

  1. SoCoMoCo says:

    OMG !! I had like 7 of them only 2 were completed 😛 9j wanasa w ta’6yee3 wagt :)

    • danderma says:

      Eee perfect thing to pass time! Awal b3d mako hyata wala Avenues o ma7boseen bel bait 😀

  2. noora says:

    always, eshaleeh kan mtros 😉
    o 3ad etseren falta lama tsawen il threads without using the hook ;p

  3. sn3a says:

    lool long time!!
    kenna bel ym3a we7na 9’3ar ng3d o kel wa7da bedha shakel
    o kel ma nsawee wa7da 3ala6ool nro7 l jm3ya nshtery another new one

    • danderma says:

      LoooL 3ad itsawoonhom makhad? Ana the only one i made is the swan one the 2nd one still unmade!

  4. zuz says:

    lol sha5bary! i’ve no idea where i’d put those ;o i had so many :$

  5. LOOOOOOOOOOOL i haveeeeeeeee 1!!! bes still i didnt turn into pillow!!

    • danderma says:

      LoooL laish? I remember how excited about turning my first finished one into a pillow! it was like the best feeling of accomplishment EVER!

  6. Immortalita says:

    LOL I used to buy them alot but I didn’t complete them to the end 😀 I still have my incomplete pillows ^^

  7. The One And Only Skinny Freak says:


  8. Kinz says:

    I don’t know how you transfer the needle work to a pillow but you can put a heart-shaped hyaka as an applique on any pillow. If you want the exact same shape then instead of using pillows use batting and make the case in the shape of the pillow you want and then stuff it to fit.

    : ) Kinz

    • danderma says:

      OK i didn’t understand 1/2 the things you said but i get the general idea! It would be a great project wallah 7safa ga3da il pillow without being made into a pillow all these years.

  9. Kinz says:

    Hehehe, I have a friend who is a passionate quilter (they make pretty blankets out of small pieces of fabric in patterns). Batting is another word for stuffing for cushions, quilts and stuffed animals. You can take your heart-shaped pillow to a place that does re-upholstery (tangeed) and ask them to make it into a pillow for you or you can take a pillow and have a tailor finish the edges and then attach it on top of it. You can also turn it into a wall hanging if you finish the edges and crochet a little yarn hanger from the top.It’s nice to have if you have children or grandchildren one day.

    • danderma says:

      Oooh ok! You know so much about these stuff!!! and i know almost nothing *hangs head in shame*

      I think my mom or someone did a quilt once… or knows about quilting… and my mom has a 7yaka framed and hung on the wall… i think she did it over 30 years ago… and my two lovely pillows…. other than that my knowledge is almost nill!

  10. 3ateeja says:

    allaaaaaah sh5baarryyy looooool ana astanes 3ala ur blog lina t76en ashya2 3atejaa !! :p
    kan 3ndy mna 3ala watermelon o flowers o big one 3ala safenaa ,, 3ad ynba3on now? ma gemt ashofhom ;\

    • danderma says:

      LooL 3yal mini ur heaven dam inich you like ashya2 3ateeja :p
      Madry etha yenba3oon lel7een or ma yenba3oon… we’ll have to go check it out one day!

  11. 3ateeja says:

    ee walla it’s a heaven luv ur blog <3
    ee lazem achayek a5li my nephews yt3lmon 3alih abrak mn el-video games ! :p

    • danderma says:

      looool et7ebech il 3afiya hon 😀
      ma a3teqed hal ayam a7ad yehed il video games… el zman te’3ayar