Stealing other people’s work is NOT acceptable!

bluntly By | May 6, 2012


When you work hard, for years, to create your own brand and reputation in the market. When you create something out of god given gift. When you are successful and loved, you are bound to find copycats popping around you, creating a similar business but with their own stamp/version. Welcome to the human race.

What is not usual though is for someone to just waltz in, decide to create a business printing designs on Tshirts and iPhone covers, then simply taking someone else’s design and printing it, la e7em wala distor, without their knowledge, or approval. This time it was the very distinguished designs of the talented f2o.

Then you stand proudly in an local exhibition, held in Kuwait University for all students and professors to see, and actually sell them. When the man was confronted, you know what he replied with? He denied the theft, and proceeded to say that he was going to sell those designs for less than what f2o sells them!!!! WOW!

I am not surprised. Only yesterday did I find that a guy on instagram had used my trademark ice cream picture without my permission. When I reported him and told him so, he was offended, said it wasn’t my picture and it doesn’t have my name on it, unfollowed and blocked me ya weldah. Maskeen wayed e7tar.

So I know exactly how f2o feels, only my pictures are not my business. Its one things to steal pictures off the internet, or google and use them as you please on a newspaper or a website. Its shameful and not right, but it happens all the time and it happened to me and many other bloggers. Its completely a different thing when you go further and try to make money off them o wain? In Kuwait University’s campus b3d. Wallah 3aib.

Thank god f2o is a registered trademark and she is going to take legal action! And until the court’s verdict is read out, this blog will support f2o all the way. Not only f2o’s designs, every other design/picture/story/text intellectual property from being stolen or used without permission. Copycat is one thing. Stealing is a completely another matter!

Some of f2o’s stolen sketches can be seen here (link). You can follow f2o on instagram and twitter for more information @f2oDesigns

Fellow bloggers view on the matter: AnsamElDerwaza, His & HersAce of Blog Arabic Post, Ace of Blogs English Post, Swera, Owlolive, Q8 Blend, Q8 Chapter, 965malls, Dusty Roses, Pink Girl, New Q8 Bride, Just Noon, Q8 Weblog, 7aji Dude, Kuwait Top.

25 Responses to “Stealing other people’s work is NOT acceptable!”

  1. Owlolive says:

    You are absolutely right! This is not only unacceptable IT IS ILLEGAL.

    I also made a similar post on this matter right here:

    All the best to you and all the other blogs for trying to smoke these thieves out!

    • danderma says:

      I’ve read it, its a great post, especially the Eau De Lawsuit part :p

      Thank you for your support!

  2. […] can read more on danderma‘s blog […]

  3. M.H says:

    That is so shameful i will do anything to support f2o coz its not just about f2o its about an ethical issue, i still can’t imagine that someone in a college level to do such shameful act like this !! SEJ 7ARRRRRRRNI i suggest to do a campaign against these kind of acts.

    • danderma says:

      Khalee in a college level, INSIDE KU! Mafrooth any event organizer gabel la they let people participate at least check out their business and make sure they are not selling replicas! I once went to an expo where they sold conterfiet stuff ashkara! 9ar elmawthoo3 fawtha!

  4. […] just hope that this guy sees our posts so maybe he can at least feel the guilt danderma ansam elderwaza hishersq8 […]

  5. M.H says:

    forgot to copy the like to the post 😛

  6. Bo_hubash says:

    صج انا وياج هالاشياء مو مقبوله
    بس في حالات وايد بالكويت
    اشمعنه هالحاله اجتمعتوا عليها اغلب البلوقات
    هل فيها مصلحه !

    • danderma says:

      I choose not to dignify your question with an answer!!!

      • Bohubash says:

        وليش عصبتي أعتقد اني ماغلطت
        على العموم انا رايي وقلته وانا احترم ردت فعلج
        بس سؤالي مكان غلط ووجهة نظري كانت في مكانها

  7. […] stealing other people's work is NOT acceptable […]

  8. A says:

    are all the pictures the guy used copy paste what F2O Has?

  9. […] For more details on the story you may check  PinkGirlQ8  DustyRoses  OwlOlive Swera Elderwaza His&Hers  & Danderma. […]

  10. rawan says:

    وايد هالحالات تصير سواءا ماركات عالمية ولا غيره بس اشوف وايد مبالغين بالموضوع يعني الي اخذ التصاميم مثل ما أنتو كاتبين ان ماخذهم من النت والرسومات موجودين بالويب سايت يمكن صج ناس بايقه التصاميم ونشروهم ترى كل شي جايز

    • danderma says:

      Yom ele etsaween shay o et76een 3leh copyright o yenbag, kalmeni o golele how do you feel please OK?

  11. Jacqui says:

    We need to educate the people, the school systems must educate the public that just because something is on the internet does not mean it is free. Newton’s theory of Gravity is available online does that mean I have the right to go print it out and slap my name on it and call myself a genius?! Hell no!

    People need to learn the consequence of such things and when we have a thousand small businesses already doing the same thing to each other and no one batting an eye then how can we expect people to change.

    This situation was really bad and I feel for F20 I really do hope she sues the guy for all the cash he has because he’s a loser and deserves to rot in the pits of hell for what he’s done!

    • danderma says:

      Oh didn’t you hear? Apparently ehe mo 9a7ya cause her stuff are online, she should have kept them in the bottom of her cupboard. Apparently e7na ge6a3na rezq el ryal emsecheen! Khalah yetrazag Allah after all who didn’t steal? Apparently e7na kowawla o ma 3ndena salfa o blowing the thing out of proportion.

      Wallah I am almost giving up. People do NOT want to understand.

      • Jacqui says:

        Seriously?! So ashkara every piece he has there is a copy! Malat 3alaihom o 3ala ashkal’hom walla o I will keep on yelling and screaming hoping to be heard and hoping schools start to educate these idiots on the consequences of Plagiarism.

        Oh and to shut down every single maktab 6aleb where they write your paper for you for just 20kd!

        • danderma says:

          Khaleeh oho… oho akeed will say whatever he can say to justify it. Shofay el awadem sheygoloon! Wallah it makes me sad the current state of mind of people :(

  12. saja says:

    اختي دندرمه اغلب المواضيع الي بمدونتج باللهجه الانجليزيه ما اشوفج تكتبين بالعربي ! شنو مو مفتخره بأنج أنسانه عربيه ولابلغة دينج ؟
    ثاني شي انا مع اختي روان بالي قالته
    ثالث شي انا لو كنت رسامه او بروفيشنل ديزاينر او او وبكامل قواي العقليه ما اعرض كل شغلي بالانترنت جني قاعده اقول حق الناس اخذو فكرتي او بضاعتي واشتغلو فيها ! ولما شفتهم صج اشتغلو فيهم قمت اتهمتهم بالحراميه
    وانا لو كنت بمكان هالشخص الي اخذ الرسومات من الانترنت وتهمتوه بأنه بايق شغل الرسامه ( مادري شسمها ) اسحب على
    حجي الناس و المدونات والرسامه نفسها واظل استخدم هالرسومات دام اني ماخذتهم من الانترنت وشايفه ان وايد ناس مشجعتني
    ماعلي لا بهذي ولا بهذيك واظل انزل بهالمعارض وابيع
    واكمل المشوار الي بديته

    وبسس هذا الي بسويه لو كنت مكان هالشخص وجهه نظر وان شاءالله تتقبلونها

    • danderma says:

      وجهة نظرك في موضوع النقل شيء أنا مالي علاقة فيه. مو ملزومة إني أعدل تفكير الناس. بس في أسلوب أحسن من انك تقولين بكامل قواها العقلية.

      أما عن سالفة مواضيعي بالإنجليزية فهذا شيء راجع لي و يخصني بالدرجة الأولى و ما أسمح لج بأي حال من الأحوال انج تفترضين فيني إني ماني مفتخرة بلغة ديني أو عروبتي. لزمي حدودج لو سمحتي و مو شغلج. شغل خلط الأوراق ما يمشي عندي, كيفي.

  13. […] owner of F2O Designs. She brought up the famous copyright violation incident she faced a while ago (link) and I was happy to learn that she is actually suing the […]

  14. tanya1234 says:

    thankxxxxxxxxxx :)