When Do You Stop Blogging?

where By | May 29, 2012

purchase Lyrica online Disclaimer: I’m just asking, nothing is ending yet. Cancel your celebration plans o 3n elshmata :p

Over my four madry five years of blogging, I’ve asked myself this question over and over again, ever since the start.

Pre- 2008 it started with the question “Should I even blog?” before starting the blog.
During 2008, it with the first few posts, “Should I continue to blog? Is there anyone reading out there? Do I care if anyone was reading?”
Come 2009, the second year, my question became “Am I a dot of ink on the newspaper of blogsphere? How do I measure up to other bloggers? Will I ever be someone?”
In 2010, the third year, I had some blogging friends, I was on twitter and facebook, and my question became “Will anyone remember my blogs existence if I disappeared?”
By 2011, my blog was a little more famous than before, my worrisome nagging question was “Can I keep the status quo, or at least improve? if so, until when?”
Now, 2012, years and years later, my most nagging question is “What more have I got to give? Maybe I’ve given it all there is to give? Should I just quit and move on with my life? Should I stay and try to do my thing? What’s the point?”


Those years of blogging have given me so much, great friends, social relatioships, insights into things I’ve never dreamt of knowing, new experiences, a brand new lease for life. But it had also given me enemeies, heartache, tears, ulcers, anxiety, and deep profound sadness. Especially when you realize that people on the blogsphere are basically the same people surrounding you in real life, only masked by a nickname partially hiding their identites. Bullies who go out of their way to make sure they break your spirits, thieves and copycats who have no shame stealing your content and parading it as their own, people who make sure to exclude you because they can and they will, others that can see injustice with their own eyes, and allow it to happen just because its beneficial to their gain. Quitting because of them is as good as quitting on life itself, after all, every one who didn’t hide in in his cave throughout history have been subjected to similar occurances, its human race’s nature. If life give you lemons, you don’t commit suicide, you make lemonade out of them, and make it extra sweet too.




I believe you quit when you can no longer deliver. When your posts are as boring as a lecture in physics, when your pictures pathetic and looks like they’ve been taken with a polaroid from the 80’s, when your ideas are as stale as cigarrete smoke, when your template is as old as a moth eaten tapestry hung in a run down restaurant, when you see that you cannot turn things around and move out of the rut you have, when the dashboard of yours is as empty as a haunted house, void of joy and laughter. Maybe then, its time to bid the crowds adieu and take your last bow, wave good buy while someone still knew your name.


Am I tired? Hell, yes. Will my quitting make others happy? I can give you a couple of names that would whoop in joy and distribute noon, I hope there aren’t more. Have I reached the end of the road? Given this all my might? I don’t know. If I knew, I wouldn’t be writing this post. What I know for sure is that the day I decide to quit, I’m going to hang my boots quietly and simply stop publishing new posts, a clean cut and no turning back.


Fellow bloggers who still blog, why are you still doing it, when will you stop?


Fellow bloggers who did quit, if  you still read out blogs, what made you realize its time to go?

14 Responses to “When Do You Stop Blogging?”

  1. 7amood says:

    if blogging makes you happy, keep on doing it.

    if blogging just doesn’t do it for you anymore, pick up a new hobby..like spear fishing.

    you will know when to stop, and when that does happen, in 20yrs or so, you will be missed :)

    • danderma says:

      Happiness is a relative term, not always did blogging make me happy, but the end results like, when I meet someone who says they have enjoyed my blog, does make me happy.

      Twenty years! I wonder what technology would we be using by then! Allah kareem insha2 Allah :)

  2. الزين says:

    بلشت تدوين 2007
    بداياتي كانت بسيطة وساذجة نوعا ما
    تدرجت بالمواضيع وحبيت التنوع
    الى ان انحصرت تلك الكتابات بالقصة او الرواية
    فكرة التوقف راودتني كثيرا
    ولكني دائما كنت اعدل عنها

    لازلت اكتب لأن البوح هناك والهذيان الفكري له نكهة مختلفة

    الى متى سأستمر تصدقين ما ادري
    لغاية ما احس ان ما عندي شي جديد اقدمه
    او ان الى ان يأمر الله بامر غير معلوم


    • danderma says:

      يا حيا الله الزين! تو ما نور البلوق!

      الهذيان الفكري، اتفق معاج… و لو انه هالأيام إذا واحد هذر في مدونته اللي إهي بيته زفوه، سلبية و تييبين القامت…
      بس انا مرات أقول حق روحي، إذا شلت شلايلي و رحت، و صار لي شيء يحكني ابي اقوله، وين اقوله وين؟؟؟؟
      عسى الله ما يحرمنا من زين المدونات قولي أمين

  3. The Triple F says:

    Dear Danderma
    if you stopped blogging then I will stop too , you was my inspiration to start blogging in the first place and let me tell you something your post was and still interesting SO YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE.

    • danderma says:

      Wee esh hal 7ala? Ya ommi tawich 9’3eera 3la ele3tezaal :p
      Bs 9ej, I need a vacation, I need to restart the old grey cells residing underneath my skull…
      P.S. Thank you :*

  4. swera says:

    I’ve been blogging for around 2 yrs a half now, soon will be celebrating my 3rd year! What I’ve been blogging about when i first started has changed a lil bit, because I used to blog about my personal life when no one knew me personally! but now that I’ve been exposed to many & i’m a married woman, i’ve learned how to shut my mouth a lil bit & try new ideas for my blog which turned out to be fun & adventurous.

    Lovely events are coming soon nshallah & i’d love to share them on my blog so I don’t i’ll be stopping anytime soon! but yes, I’ve reached a point where i stopped blogging for a while or wrote 1 or 2 posts every now & then because i was depressed & going through personal issue!

    Hope that we won’t be stopping anytime soon nshallah & we’ll be blogging til we lose our teeth 😀

    • danderma says:

      Erm… news flash, I’ve already lost four of my teeth, two before the braces and two for the braces :p So I’m ready to quit now loooool!!!

      But I have to tell you, your blog came in a time when most old personal blogs have stopped or gone private and almost all the other blogs available were stuffily commercial ones. I remember liking to read your blog because it was like a breath of fresh air in that era. Thankfully other more personal blogs have popped up and old ones -like ur besties’- resumed their blogging! For that I am thankful :)

  5. Jacqui says:

    Et7eshon feeni weya Swera ha! Hehe ana a3alemkom! Bs on to the point.

    I’ve been where you are and I continue to ask myself the same questions over and over again, and with the younger generation gaining more traction than I have I still wonder am I really that important to anyone out there but then once I start going down that path of thought I stop myself and tell myself the following:

    This is my place, this is the place I want to record my inner thoughts, the place where I want to document my growth, a place where I want to showcase the inner me, the Jacqui that a few people know.

    And once I do that I go back to it, I don’t know if any of you have noticed I have a small Widget in the sidebar on my blog it’s titled “Years Ago I Wrote” and lists you a link of posts I wrote years ago on the same day. I try to read through them whenever I get a chance and I am shocked and amazed at what a different person I have become I am no longer the first to jump into things without thinking about them first; I am no longer wasting away my time (oh wait scratch that I actually do waste time and procrastinate still :P); but in all seriousness I am a better person and if having that blog means that I can go down that journey time and time again then I will keep it running even when there is no one out there reading.

    Sorry for the long comment but know this, the blog you keep is yours to keep not for your friends, family or even enemies it’s only for you! So treat it as you would treat anything else in life, “For better or worse, till death do us part”.

    • danderma says:

      Well you matter to me :*
      Nice widget! I didn’t notice that! I’ve been thinking of a way to bring back my old posts of years past to the front but now that sounds good! I agree with you, going back through the posts does make me realize how much I’ve changed throughout the years. Likes, dislikes, lifestyle, etc.

      You know I love long comments, beetich o ma6ra7ich, me casa is sue casa or whatever they say in Spanish :p

  6. OwlOlive says:

    You know what I think? I think that a blogger should mostly blog when they want to and stop/take a break when they don’t.

    As someone who has been a part of the blogosphere for a mere millisecond, I don’t have a lot of experience. All I know is that my attitude towards my blog has never changed since its creation: I blog when I want share something I’m interested in, or express a certain thought that’s on my mind. Most people enjoy doing that kind of stuff.

    If I don’t feel the need to really do those for days, week, and even months then I simply don’t post. I have done this in the past. Because I know that if I make myself post something just to fill some space or treat the blog like some kind of obligation then it can become tiring and a burden.

    Basically, it becomes the opposite of everything that a blog essentially represents (to me anyway): A place to express PERSONALLY interesting information/thoughts/experiences.

    After all the time and devotion you’ve spent making this wonderful blog what it is, you deserve a break if you want one. However long you feel you need to take is also up to you. But, on a personal note, I really really hope you don’t go anywhere permanently because I would be totally heartbroken to see this iconic piece of internet awesomeness go away.

    • danderma says:

      Thank you sweety, and it was nice meeting you the other day. Its a good thing to know that if one day I should stop and walk away someone would at least remember me and be sad for my departure :)

  7. MemoQ8 says:

    يعطيج ألف عافية دندرمة
    و انا اتفق مع Triple F
    انتي وحده من البلوقر اللي شجعتني اني ادش هالعالم
    و كل مجال الانسان يدشه لازم له اصدقاء و أعداء هاذي الطبيعة البشرية
    ممكن تأخذين اجازة ترتاحين شوي بس سالفة انج خلاص تعتزلين
    بعدين على قولتج وين بتتحلطمين :*
    توج صغيره على الحب 😛
    موفقة يا قلبي

    • danderma says:

      مشكورة حبيبتي لووول توني صغيرة؟ و مضى قطار العمر!