Breakfast at Karak Gholam By | October 23, 2013

where can i purchase Pregabalin bakg-025

My friend and fellow blogger Ansam has been busy lately. A couple of weeks ago she  finally was going to share her love of food with the rest of us with the launch of “Karak Gholam”, Kuwait’s newest Karak cafe where Ansam is a co-owner. Karak is a drink that’s basically tea, milk, sugar, and Indian spices cooked together. Rather, its the equivalent of a spiced chai latte and I’m not sure if Karak is the official Indian name for it but its been forever popular in neighbouring GCC countries like Qatar and the UAE and is currently taking Kuwait by storm.  Read more »

Quinoa Bread and Pizza Base from J’s Bakery

By | September 18, 2013


Lately I’ve been doing nothing but trying to concentrate on making my diet work and trying to stick to a healthy life style, therefore you will be seeing a few more diet food related posts every now and then on my blog. Earlier this week, I’ve seen Ansam cooking a dish on instagram using quinoa bread she got from J’s Bakery. Read more »

Trying Kuwait’s First Ramen Burger at Diner Restaurant

By | September 16, 2013


Last week was the opening diner, a new burger place in Kuwait City and the newest addition to the thriving and already saturated burger scene in town. Why would I go to another burger place? Because they are the first in Kuwait to serve the Ramen Burger, the latest burger craze that took NYC by a storm, replacing the bun with Ramen noodles.

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The Butcher’s Den Bloggers Tasting

By | September 7, 2013


Last week we had the pleasure of being invited to a private tasting event of the new menu at The Butcher’s Den. I’ve been to the Butcher’s Den before and liked it a lot although the service was a bit clunky since they were in their soft opening phase still. Now that they are operating full time I expected the service to be top notch and indeed it was. Read more »

Heil & Zafa’aran Eid Breakfast Basket

By | August 27, 2013


Just before the start of the Eid holiday Heil & Zafa’arn, a local bakery selling traditional Kuwaiti desserts and sweets, sent me a big basket filled with their goodies. The basket had a greeting card attached to it with the words “Eid Breakfast” printed on it in Arabic, and a lavish Eid breakfast basket it was indeed! Read more »

Stayha Lebanese Restaurant’s Bloggers Ghabga

By | August 4, 2013


Last week I received an invitation from a newly opened Lebanese restaurant in Kuwait, Stayha, to attend a special bloggers Ramadan dinner or ghabga as we call it in Kuwait. The  event was handled by non other that our dear friend and fellow blogger Ansam who did a very good job indeed from invitations to hosting the dinner. The invitation came with Read more »

The Cronuts Craze Has Arrived to Kuwait

By | July 29, 2013


Cronuts, the latest culinary trend and most viral food craze across the globe, are a product of a marriage between a croissant and a donut. This new treat was invented by chef Dominique Ansel who, in May 2010, began selling his cronuts to the people of NYC and they’ve been the IT dessert sensation every since. The cornets are supposed to be unbelievably good. So good, in fact, that the people of Read more »

My Relaxed Ramadan Ghabga

By | July 29, 2013


It’s been a while since I’ve had friends over. I’ve been too tired lately and with all the Ramadan fasting and meal preparations I haven’t had a moment to relax. During the holy month of Ramadan people gather for a “ghabga” and there are many ghabgas going around. A ghabga is a dinner party Read more »

Baby Yousef’s Qerqaia’an

By | July 27, 2013


One of the most elegant and to the point qerqaia’an gifts I’ve received this Ramadan is baby Yousef’s first qerqaia’an distributed by his lovely mother Joumana of The Side Talk blog. The qerqaia’an came in an elegant silver box tied with a golden ribbon and baby Yousef’s name written on the lid in beautiful golden Arabian calligraphy. Read more »

Heshoo Q8’s Qerqaia’an Bags

By | July 21, 2013


Today is the 13th day of the holy month of Ramadan and it’s official, the Qerqaia’an is here! Qerqaia’an is like a traditional Kuwaiti occasion where children dress up and go from house to house signing and getting candy in return, kinda like a Kuwaiti Halloween. It’s a happy occasion long awaited by families who prepare for it months in advance and every year it seems people of Kuwait are Read more »

Eshda3wa’s Ramdan 2013 Gift

By | July 14, 2013


My friend and estranged blogger eshda3wa dropped by my place on the second day of Ramadan in keeping up with her tradition of giving away Ramdan noqsa’s, a noqsa is the name we call the gifts in Kuwait by the way. This year, eshda3wa’s gift was also traditional with a wicker tray and five mini tin pots inside. Read more »

The Video of Project-X Bloggers Cookings Competition

By | July 11, 2013


If you’ve been reading my blog for more than a year you might remember that we participated in a bloggers cooking competition under the name of Project-X last June (post).  I teamed up with my favourite Pink Girl and together we made the spiciest, weirdest, and frankly not that appetising dishes in the competition and came last :p I’ve almost given up on seeing the videos but lo and behold, a year later and they are finally released for the world to see. Read more »

Dinner at Ribs and Rumps Steakhouse

By | April 17, 2013

Ribs and Rumps, an Australian steakhouse franchise and one of Kuwait’s newest eateries, hosted a blogger’s dinner a few nights ago. Ribs and Rumps have been in their soft opening phase for about a week or ten days now and when we arrived the outdoors seating area was busy with diners, the weather was sensational that night and perfect for dining outdoors and people watching. Read more »

PinkGirl’s Birthday Surprise in The Chocolate Bar

By | April 14, 2013

Today is my dear Pink Girl‘s birthday and to celebrate the occasion we decided to throw a little birthday surprise for her. We wanted to throw her off-course completely so we thought the surprise should take place on Friday night, two days before her actual birthday.  Read more »

The Night of the Burgers Marathon

By | April 10, 2013

Yesterday was the last stay for our Omani blogger friend Standy in Kuwait so we decided -for some reason- she should spend her last day in Kuwait a burger tasting tour. Please note that no burgers were devoured by me during this marathon. Our first stop was to try the sliders in the Open Flame Kitchen (OFK) in 360 Mall.  Read more »

When Omani Blogger Standi Came to Visit

By | April 7, 2013


I’ve known Standy for as long as I’ve been a blogger. Back in the days when blogs were stricly personal and we used to know what everyone’s day was like without getting fingers pointed at us for being too self centered ego maniac. Anyways, Standy lives in Muscat, Oman and though she blogs once in every few months now adays she posted on Instagram that she was heading to Kuwait. One thing Read more »

A Lovely Dinner Gathering at Silver Bling Black’s

By | April 3, 2013

Dear Silver Bling Black invited us over to a dinner gathering at her house yesterday. Its been a while since I’ve been to a gathering at home, the last gathering I remember was in January. It was good to get dressed up and go have fun with a fun and easygoing group of girls, your Read more »

Proud to be Kuwaiti’s VIP Opening Night – Part 1

By | March 6, 2013


Tonight was the opening night for the Proud to be Kuwaiti exhibition and I was invited as a blogger to attend the event. Based on what I saw on my tour to the P2BK village earlier this week (post) I was really looking forward to see how the village would turn out to be and Read more »

The Proud to be Kuwaiti Village Sneak Peek Tour

By | March 4, 2013

Proud to be Kuwait, also known as P2BK, is a yearly exhibition of Kuwaiti businesses and talents that started six years ago in 2007. Ever since its begging, it began the trend of “exhibitions” in Kuwait and redefined it. Now on its sixth year, they’ve built an Read more »

What’s Inside a Bloggerette’s Bag?

By | February 28, 2013


The other day I was out with my fellow bloggerette Pink Girl and while we were both paying and it was taking forever to do so, my sight fell on our two bags sitting side by side gaping open, each filled to the brim with stuff we can no longer leave the house without. I noticed a lot of similarities between our two bags so Read more »

What Makes a Good Blogger?

By | February 18, 2013


This question have been circulating in my mind for quite sometime now. What makes a good blogger? Owning a Read more »

Bloggerettes Dinner at Le Sushi Bar

By | February 11, 2013


Last Wednesday we had the pleasure of being invited by blogger Marawi to have dinner with a group of bloggerette in Le Sushi Bar restaurant located in Al-Hamra Mall. Read more »

Pathetic or Smart: Begging Your Way into Events?

By | February 6, 2013


I’m astonished with every passing day at the lengths some people would go to to attend a blogger’s event and sadly we’ve seen with our own eyes bloggers that no one had heard of before because they just started yesterday shamelessly asking the event organizers shamelessly to be invited as well or even fighting Read more »

Traditional Kuwaiti Thoub Party at Razza’s

By | January 2, 2013


What better way to spend the first day of the new year with than in an outdoorsy picnic with your friends? We were invited by Razza blog to attend a “Kuwaiti Thoub Party” in Ahmadi City and come 2 PM I was there with my camera and Read more »

What NOT to do when inviting bloggers to an event

By | January 2, 2013


A group of bloggers were discussing last year’s events, what’s good what’s funny what’s bad, and then the conversation turned to what’s the most annoying thing we’ve each encountered in these events. There were so many but some of them kept repeating so  I’ve decided post about those point in hopes that the next time someone decides to throw an event and invite bloggers, they’d take these points into Read more »