Confessions: What’s your spending weak point?

Keene By | September 20, 2011

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You know what I mean. You are broke, or almost broke. You have bought too many things recently and should be a good girl. You find something RIDICULOUSLY expensive and you don’t really need it. Yet you are overcome with that ‘I must have it now or I will never be happy again’ feeling. You take out your VISA card and buy it regardless of the circumstances. Life is good and you are content again.

For some women its Diamonds. That’s my baby sister for you, she cannot resist diamonds. For other women its shoes. Others nail polishes or hair accessories or perfumes… etc.

For me it is, in order of importance, Books, anything related to Coffee, Gourmet Chocolate, Arabian Perfumes, DVDs, and Transparent acrylic housewares. I love diamonds but I don’t allow my self to splurge on them that much. Same goes with electronics but I can put a leash on that and other cravings.

What is your nonnegotiable irresistible craving item? Yalla confess 😀

22 Responses to “Confessions: What’s your spending weak point?”

  1. Rainy says:

    fabric :S … yes every time i went to any place here in kuwait or abroad .. i never stop buying fabric … some of them stayed yearrrrrrrrrrrrs 3ala ma i found the right design to them … why fabric?? because most of my clothes i designed them by myself

    • danderma says:

      Fabric? 9ej?

      O you design ur own clothes? Nice 😀 Ana when I see fabric especially in Liberty London atshawaq 3leeh bs ma ashtereeh I know it will stay in the wardrobe for ever!

      • Rainy says:

        ehhehe yea i designed my own clothes .. most of the time eli you saw me kent labsa something from my design .. men kether ma sharait hdoom ma gam shay yatrees 3ainy :S … gurl buy it o i will tell you the secret and how you can design to yourself

  2. Ophy says:

    Books , Electronics , travel (trips)

  3. giggles says:

    ra7 teth7eken 3alaiy etha gelt lich what it is, it’s pyjamas :)

  4. Chirp says:

    For me it used to be shoes, I am a size 35, so its very VERY hard for me to find shoes especially heels that don’t cost over 150 or something. So if I ever saw a pair that were size 35 I would get them in different colors.

    • danderma says:

      R u kidding me? All I find every where in every sale is size 35! I can never find my own size! 35 o 36 always available. Even 32 mawjood!

  5. biscuit says:

    well for me i cnt resist cooking books,kitchen supply i always ship my kitchen ware where ever i travel on the contract i love shoes and bags from certain brands only at the end my visa bill go beyond my expectation :0

  6. Karamilah says:

    I can’t help not buying gadgets (anything from a memory stick to a pen tablet that i won’t use) kitchen utensils and supplies (more of dishes, cups and even stupid stuff) and shoes.

    • danderma says:

      You know I think I have too many unnecessary and mist matching kitchen supplies and gadgets myself. Maybe I should add that to the list?

  7. noon says:

    foood, foood and then electronics 😀

  8. Jacqui says:

    Do I even need to answer that?

    Apple gadgets, gadgets in general, books, and pajamas too 😛

  9. Farah says:

    Designers clothes and jewelry it’s an addiction lih daraja I buy cocktail dresses even if low ma3indi 3irs anytime soon….. Online shopping:(

    • danderma says:

      The best way is not to go online shopping at all and if you can’t before you checkout you say “malah da3i”… this is what cured my net-a-porter addiction :p