El Kuwait 3ezzina Expo

Mariehamn By | August 1, 2011


On Saturday we went to the last day of Elq8 3ezzina exhibition in Regency Palace to check it out and see what have they got to offer. Of course I knew I would be finding endless dara3a and homemade qerqe3an items yet I was on the look for something unique. Guess what I found?

At one booth there were crowds, ‘9abba as we say in Q8y, and squealing. Curious, I approached the booth and soon I was an addition to the squealing ‘9abba myself! On the tables were cages with the tiniest cutest little bunny rabbits ever dressed in little colorful dresses <3.

A rabbit costs 5 KD. If you want to order they deliver to your door step but with a minimum charge of two rabbits. They were so cute I just kept snapping away.

Etshaweg moo? Check out the dress b3d!

On many other booths I saw little kids clinging to similar rabbit cages and playing with the little rabbits. I saw a couple of kids who had already removed the dress of a rabbit and had it out of the cage already!

When I wanted to take a picture of the rabbit this one actually posed for me, literally posed for me, bism Allah :)

If you want your own little rabbit call this number, they deliver :)

The booth I was happy to see next was Formaggio Cakes.

Formaggio is Italian for cheese and Formaggio cakes sell the most amazing mango cheesecakes ever!

Just a declaimer: I dislike cheesecakes. But Formaggio’s mango cheesecake is simply different <3

Try formaggio. Look for them because they are the pursuit.

Girls would love this gold tatoo that stays from 3-5 days. If you want it call them up.

If you are still obsessed with the gold streak, you can add some on your phone too.

O bs salamatkom :) a7la shay el bunnies!

14 Responses to “El Kuwait 3ezzina Expo”

  1. Elegant Chic says:

    OMG!!! The rabbits are shoooo cute! 😀
    Nice tattoos. :)

  2. noon says:

    i didnt like what they did to the poor little rabbits :(

  3. dawn says:

    No disrespect intended but the sale of baby animals as children’s playthings ( bunnies, chicks) is inhumane and illegal in most parts of the world. Shame on these vendors who will sacrifice these little creatures for a few fils. Animals are NOT toys. They are living creatures who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

    • danderma says:

      I didn’t realize that. I know chicks die if they are mistreated or painted but some of them do grow up as chickens. But how different is buying a bunny rabbit from buying a baby parrot or a kitten or a puppy?

  4. shahou88 says:

    poor lil bunny they take them from their mama in a really young age …. they dress them a cute dress which sometimes they grow in it and chock and die and cause they are young they always end up dead 98% dies cause they are babies

    I dont agree in selling those poor babies
    people buy it thinking its cute
    ok they are cute but !!!! have you ever wonder why they always die

    “cause they are young” still need mama and milk

  5. Yona says:

    Hello ! you didn’t post the cheese cake phone number :(

    • danderma says:

      Ee I looked for it every where and I couldn’t find it :( can you post it in a comment please and I will update the post…

  6. Fajoora says:

    The bunnies so cute i once bought one for my son from jareer it was 2 or 3 kd o after a week i took off the dress of it cuz they grow up so fast and its still alive el7emdellaaa with a another bunny, hope it didnt suffer when they took it from their mom:(

  7. dawn says:

    Yes, they ( like puppies, kittens ) do need their mother. My point is animals are not playthings for children. When a child is mature & responsible enough to love, respect, & nurture an animal then it’s OK. Then the animal becomes a companion, not a tool to be used for amusement ( like a toy) My children were over 10 years old before I felt they could provide for a pet properly.

    • danderma says:

      I agree. My brother and sisters and cousins used to squeeze the little chicks lovingly until they died.
      But there were many teenagers and young girls cooing over the rabbits. Maybe they will give them a good loving home.