Joining Project #Room753 in Queensland, Australia By | May 18, 2014

Hövsan mttbad1

I remember the day very well. It was night time, and I was drinking tea in my favourite mug while spending a quiet night alone with the lights dimmed when I received an email from my contact form. The email was from Think! Social Media and it was asking if I am interested in joining 21 other bloggers from around the world in project #Room753 which involves a trip to visit Queensland, Australia!

At first it didn’t register, all I understood was something about a room with a hashtag and the phrase “world’s best bloggers” and in my confused I smiled to myself, partly in disbelief, and decided to run quick google search on both the person who contacted me and the place called Queensland that I’ve never been before. I was even a bit skeptic, perhaps it was some joke from a troll or something similar. To my surprise, it was all true! Tourism and Events of Queensland, in Australia, is inviting me, Danderma, a a virtually unknown blogger in this vast internet world with millions of other blogs from many more countries.

Why was I chosen? Am not sure to be frank. Why me of all blogs in Kuwait? Or the Middle East? I daren’t ask. How on earth did they find me, read my blog, and decided I’m to join I could never comprehend. I didn’t allow myself to fully believe it, partly because I didn’t want to jinx it and because I was secretly afraid they’d wake up one day thinking they’ve got the wrong blogger and decide they made a mistake or something. Not until now, at this very moment, sitting in my plush chair in Sofitel Hotel of Brisbane, Australia typing these words did I allow myself to fully believe that I, Danderma am going to Australia and I’m going to be the last -I think- of 21 other bloggers from around the world that have been here and according to their statements, had quite a great time!

Thank you, Think! Social Media and Tourism and Events Queensland for nominating my humble blog to visit Australia and allowing me this once in a life time opportunity to participate in the project #Room753. I want to pinch, or rather keep pinching myself, now that I’m here and I know I’m going to have a great time. My dear followers, I will be posting on instagram, twitter, and Facebook with the hashtags #Room753, #VisitBrisbane, and #ThisisQueensland on daily basis and I hope you can feel the thrill of the adventure I’m about to embark on through my posts and that I represent my lovely beloved Kuwait as a blogger in the best manner possible. Wish me luck and if you’ve been to Australia before, please do not hesitate in leaving me suggestions on what to do or where to go.

Stay tuned!

P.S. Check out the posts from some of the bloggers who already participated in project #Room753! I’ve been stalking them silently but I loved each and every one’s posts and they’ve been a great help and encouragement to my own trip, you guys didn’t know that but your adventures helped fuel my enthusiasim to get on that plane to start my own #Room753 adventure!

4 Responses to “Joining Project #Room753 in Queensland, Australia”

  1. Sarah says:

    Ha! You googled me, that’s really awesome :) Have an amazing time dear, I’m enjoying the blog posts already!! x

    • danderma says:

      Oh yes I did, sorry about that I sound a bit creepy but I am having a blast indeed! Thank you for this opportunity <3

  2. Jacqui says:

    That’s so cool! It’s a major honor being invited to something like this, at least a major change of scenery from the events hosted here 😛

    • danderma says:

      Totally! Major honour and quite an ego booster especially when you are spoiled rotten for two entire weeks. It does feel like a two week long event as well but it was an experience I’m never going to forget!