Habba Alert: The Henna Glove!

Bagong Pagasa By | February 23, 2011


In case you have been living under a rock or something, there is a strong habba wave that sent the girls of Q8 scrambling to the nearest salon… the Henna Glove!

A Henna Tatoo of a dantelle glove that looks like you are wearing one… personally i was never a fan of 7enna and i hated it’s smell ever since i was a child but then other people adore it and love it’s smell so i guess if you love 7enna you will love this habba especially since every one is hopping on board it’s wagon… just remember it will take forever to completely fade…

The picture is taking from The Bodouir Salon (link)

Would you put on a Henna Glove?!

22 Responses to “Habba Alert: The Henna Glove!”

  1. zanoob says:

    still don’t have this hebba at Bahrain 😛 I liked it<3 but dunno who gonna go to work wearing this!

  2. Summer says:

    eee thats so true! i noticed!! its sooo pretty! i would so put it!

  3. noon says:

    me no likie 😛

  4. ShoSho says:

    Meh.. Not my thing at all!

  5. Like u said habba!! hatha eli ma a7eba!:P bes i really loved to try it and i asked all they say it will fade max after 1 week;p

  6. doona says:

    I guess ive been living under a rock :(
    I havent ever seen this :(

  7. Sara D. says:

    Just smelling henna makes me want to gag, especially in the hot summery days…eeekh so yea, thank god I’m not trendy lol

  8. chirp says:

    Ive been living under a rock! I haven’t heard of this!
    I wouldn’t put it, bas some ppl can pull it off

    • danderma says:

      Chirp: true some people can pull it off… i would’nt be able to do it in a million years!

  9. Jor says:

    Nah, not me kleshhh.. elbanaat 3ndena 3lainaa habaaat ghareeba 3ajeeb “Amerna 3ajeeb walla :p”

  10. d3aiy says:

    you must be kidding me , this looks like kowawLa style, i mean her hand looks like goo6y bazalya , killa daggat 5ether, and it reminds of shagool lommy mn aroo7an inkesrat elsheesha 6a6aw

  11. danderma says:

    D3aiy: Looooooooooooooooooool 6a6aw!?
    you know i still didn’t find a guy who thinks this habba is lovely. The last guy who saw it said it looked like they were holding underpants… i guess your 6a6aw is kinder LooooooL

  12. pearls says:

    not my thing either! Other henna designs look better . . . oo yareet it’s pure henna paste, they actually mix it with PPD (Para-phenylendiamine black dye, dont know if they use this same dye here in Kuwait), which can cause serious allergic reactions for some ppl. so watch out girls!