What is this blog missing?

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Although i have been blogging since August 2008, sometimes you find yourself in a place where you need to change directions, check out what the readers are interested , recalculate your steps and assess whether or not you are good enough to be called a blogger.

I’m not the best blogger in Kuwait, not even close. Not even a half decent blogger. Many of the top blogs out there are waaaay younger than mine. Mafeha shay, they know how to blog better than me hence why they are at the top, being recognized and praised and they they totally deserve it for they know how to interest the readers of Kuwait and capture their attention.

Now help me out here dear readers, what do you think my blog is missing? What do you like in other blogs that you cannot find in mine? Some of my readers said they would like to see more Arabic written posts and I am considering that.

What else? Be honest and tell me whatever is on your mind please, I’m welcome to all ideas 😀