Picture of the Week: Street Signs Magnets

Hlybokaye By | September 10, 2012

buy Pregabalin 75 mg capsule Whenever I’m abroad specifically in London I try to purchase a few magnets bearing the signs of my favorite streets. I hang them everywhere, my fridge, my work cubicle cupboards, my home office. What I enjoy most is the little reality break they provide for me. I’d be immersed in my work and suddenly I’d lift my eyes and I’d see the street sign magnet and right there and then I’m transferred there in an instant.

Today it happened, I was working at home and suddenly I saw the Carnaby street sign. I was momentarily back in the hustling and bustling street, just stepped out from Liberty to be hit with a croissant smell from Pret on my right, the sound of the guitar playing on my left from the street performers, and the lights dancing in the distance from all the decoration while people are milling below and all along the street. I so wish to be there right now.

So I grabbed my camera and took a shot of this street sign, capturing the essence of my wish. Whenever I look at it I remember my day dream and wish for an escape. I can’t wait to be back there.

If you, at this moment, can be wherever you want to be in the world. Where would you be?