Picture of the Week: a Time of Day

buy stromectol for humans By | October 1, 2012


My favorite time of day usually falls between very late evening just before dusk and up until the sunset. Usually the house is calm, you are out of work and done having lunch, the dreaded morning rituals are behind you. The nightfall hadn’t set yet and its still light with a tint of bluish orangeness or pink outside.

My favorite thing to do is to grab a hot cup of steaming coffee, sit on the couch, gaze out the window while having an incense burner blowing gusts of smoke besides me. If there is something good on TV I would switch it on but if there isn’t, I switch it off and enjoy the serenity.

What’s your favorite time of day?

Picture of the Week: Serene

By | September 24, 2012

Yesterday afternoon I decided to go out to 360 Mall. Its been forever since I’ve been to a place in Kuwait that had no crowds, no children crying bloody murder, no teenagers messing around, and no overdressed youngsters trying to impress each other. It was a very calm evening where I shopped, walked around, had lunch, almost all alone in the big wide beautiful mall.

Then as I was getting out of the parking on my way home I saw an airplane flying towards the sun so I took a quick picture with my iPhone. It was so calm and peaceful sailing away towards the sunset. I only wish I had a better camera or a stronger lens with me. The only change I did to the picture was to photoshop the light poles out and voila, a picture of a serene day out is there. Beautiful and calm, no?

Picture of the Week: The Old Box

By | September 17, 2012

Old traditional Kuwaiti boxes like the one above come in a variety of sizes and designs. I realized recently that I have a few of this box too many. I wonder what am supposed to hide inside them though. Then it got me wondering: what did Kuwaitis use them for in the olden days? Cooking? The one with the latch doesn’t look like a cooking type of box.

Any ideas?

Picture of the Week: Street Signs Magnets

By | September 10, 2012

Whenever I’m abroad specifically in London I try to purchase a few magnets bearing the signs of my favorite streets. I hang them everywhere, my fridge, my work cubicle cupboards, my home office. What I enjoy most is the little reality break they provide for me. I’d be immersed in my work and suddenly I’d lift my eyes and I’d see the street sign magnet and right there and then I’m transferred there in an instant.

Today it happened, I was working at home and suddenly I saw the Carnaby street sign. I was momentarily back in the hustling and bustling street, just stepped out from Liberty to be hit with a croissant smell from Pret on my right, the sound of the guitar playing on my left from the street performers, and the lights dancing in the distance from all the decoration while people are milling below and all along the street. I so wish to be there right now.

So I grabbed my camera and took a shot of this street sign, capturing the essence of my wish. Whenever I look at it I remember my day dream and wish for an escape. I can’t wait to be back there.

If you, at this moment, can be wherever you want to be in the world. Where would you be?

Picture of the Weeks: Foreign Coins

By | September 3, 2012

What do you do with your foreign coins from your travels? I do have a box for them but I feel that there could be more to them than just putting them away in some box. I usually try to spend them in the airport or exchange them for cash in countries with coin to cash machines but I still always end up with tons of coins.

What do you do with your foreign coins?

Picture of the Week: Bubbles

By | August 13, 2012

When I was a child I loved blowing bubbles, trying to make them as big as they would go and chasing them around. Placing them on my palm gently and waiting for them to pop. I remember when I was young I was always afraid I’d run out of bubble liquid and I was always told that if it does run out, fairy washing liquid would substitute it just fine. Well, that’s a lie, I’m talking from many disappointed experiences here.

Now I have several bottles ready and I’m contemplating trying to photograph the bubbles. I’m not sure how in photography terms am I supposed to make most of their photos. Do I need a macro lens? Would a normal lens do? A special camera setting? Given that I know zilch about photography I wouldn’t know. I want to try though so if anyone with basic photography knowledge would give me suggestions I would be more than happy to receive them :)

Picture of the Week: Cooking Suhoor

By | August 6, 2012

There is nothing more tantalizing than the aroma of boiling pasta promising you a warm hearty meal at the end of the road. Its so fulfilling! I love pasta so much I allow myself to eat only plain pasta with salt when I’m sick as comfort food, sort of like a guilty pleasure

A few days back I’ve been craving Spaghetti Pomodoro like mad so I decided to have some for my Suhoor meal and it hit all the right spots. I took the picture of the dry spaghetti noodles above while simmering the tomato sauce. That was one memorable Suhoor meal, Yum!

What was your most memorable Suhoor meal this Ramadan?

Picture of the Week: I Miss You!

By | July 30, 2012

Masha2 Allah one third of Ramadan is gone come today! Days do fly fast 7safa 3leeh. Before you know it it will be Eid and we will be pining for Ramadan’s days and its arrival. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize that we are indeed in Read more »

Picture of the Week: The Vimto

By | July 16, 2012

Insha2 Allah this time next week, it will be Ramadan, and we would all be thirsty and many many of us will be dreaming of drinking an icy cold glass of Vimto. I am not a Vimto addict like my fellow Kuwaitis, I drink it bel sena 7sena, but my husband is a big Vimto fan and every year he brings home two bottles to drink during Ramadan and we make one pitcher and it wouldn’t taste good and we would let it gather dust on the kitchen counter.

Yes, I confess, I don’t know how to make a good glass -or pitcher- of Vimto. Are you a Vimto fan? Do you love Vimto in Ramadan only or all year round? and would you please teach me how to make Vimto? Much obliged!

Picture of the Week: Milk Bottles

By | July 2, 2012

One of the things I love about the summers of my childhood I spent in the UK were the Milk Bottles. The moment we arrive my father would arrange for us to have two fresh milk bottles placed on our doorstep every morning. I love the milkman, and those curved glass bottles of cold,creamy, impossibly white milk. A big fan of milk myself, imagine that milk used for your cereal, or in bechamel sauce, or infused with cardamom for breakfast? Lipsmacking.

Of course in Kuwait we have no milkman. Or good milk for that matter. That was the case until last year Alban Dairy came into the picture and began producing quality dairy products. Their milk is almost as good as milk you’d drink abroad. The other day I was in the newly opened Alban Dairy cafe (post) when I saw these milk bottles and began fantasizing about having our very own milkman in Kuwait leaving us delicious milk in glass bottles as are those every morning. Why not? We can dream, everything is possible, mo?

Picture of the Week: Summer Fruit

By | June 25, 2012

Summer is here, and so is the Raqqi! I’ve never been a big fan of watermelons growing up but somehow I realized it had grown on my. This summer however I found myself actually looking forwards to eating it, a new thing for me.

I have many ideas for this summer’s watermelons: juices, salads, and desserts! I’ve already made a yummy juice the other day, I’m now trying to gather my bravery to have it as a savory salad. In any case, I’m happy raqqi is here this year.

Are you a raqqi fan?