This Day Last Year… This Day Today!

Podgorica By | June 7, 2012

Do you know the feeling when you have smiled for too long, your facial muscles begin to ache? Yet you wouldn’t stop smiling? I felt that way this day last year.

7 June 2011 was one of the top ten most cherished nights in the history of my, er, 19-years-old life. It was the night of my Dathra book signing in 52 Degrees (post). It was a night I still recall with contentment.

Why not? When you’ve been treated like a VIP for one night? Like you are loved and cherished and that many others think highly of you and the scribbles you jot down on paper? Who wouldn’t be delighted at focused attention, flowers, chocolates, and most importantly support in kind words of encouragement? I remember being scared to the point of breaking down in tears – I don’t miss that feeling-. I remember the long queue, the happy smiling faces, the TV crew, and the delicious dinner that followed.

A year on and I’m still overjoyed by my book signing night. I am at loss of words for I cannot express myself the way I truly want to, but I do want to say, for everyone who took a night of their valuable life to come to that book signing so they can support me, to think that there was nothing more important to do that night than to attend my book signing, I want to say a big fat thank you. I cannot even begin to describe to you how much that meant to me.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, given that this date, 7/6, is a lovely one… expect another Dathra book related announcement best website to buy isotretinoin within the next twelve hours… Stay tuned 😉

6 Responses to “This Day Last Year… This Day Today!”

  1. swera says:

    wallah testahleen kel kher, u really deserve it! yalla na6reeen the 2nd book :*

    • danderma says:

      Thank you 7yati :* As I answer your question the book is already published but in the printing process 😀

  2. Jacqui says:

    I remember that day, the day I became a groupie to one of my friends (aka YOU!) Hehehe I remember sitting in that second row listening to everyone go on about their books anticipating the second you went on with your book and live tweeting the event LOL! 😛

    Fun times!

    • danderma says:

      Looool groupie :p
      But really, you of all people gave me TOO MUCH support! I’m forever indebted :*