Movie Review: The Hobbit

buy accutane london By | December 14, 2012 mrth

The thing I love about Peter Jackson’s adaptations of LOTR is that its consistency with the actual book. You see it as you’ve read it with very minor changes here and there. In my humble opinion the LOTR movie trilogy was one of the most successful book-movie adaptations ever therefore when I saw that The Hobbit was going to be shown at Grand Cinema on 13 December, I knew exactly where I would be spending my Thursday evening.

I loved every single one of the three LOTR movies. I’ve seen the extended version of each over and over again. When The Hobbit began, with the same soundtrack as the three LOTR, I almost cried. Watching Frodo, Gandalf, Elrond, and Smeagol again on screen again felt really good. I enjoyed every scene and as expected from Peter Jackson The Hobbit didn’t disappoint at all. It was quite funny actually if you compare it to the other LOTR movies.

The movie is long but I wish it was longer. I hope there is another extended version that I can buy on DVD. The good news is that The Hobbit will be a movie trilogy as well with the next film coming out on 2013 so we won’t have to wait long. If you are a fan of LOTR you will love The Hobbit. If you aren’t a fan then it might bore you so don’t waste your time.

4 Responses to “Movie Review: The Hobbit”

  1. B says:

    oh its out already in Grand Cinema?

    • danderma says:

      Yes they are showing it exclusively in Kuwait. I’m not sure how long will it take cinescape to show it though.

  2. ShoSho says:

    One day I should watch the Lord of the rings hmmm

    • danderma says:

      Are you kidding me? I have the extended versions and watch them during a weekend marathon <3 One of my favorite hibernating things to do…