Recipe: Pear and Berries Salad

Valença do Piauí By | December 17, 2013

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This is not a recipe per say, its just a salad I tossed together because I didn’t want the fruits in my fridge to go bad and added a few bits and pieces there. Salad, especially with berries, is more of a summer or spring dish than winter which you’d want to keep warm in with a chunky vegetables soup and crunchy pieces of bread. Perhaps some melted cheese and rubbed garlic on that bread. Mmm… in any case, I don’t mind salads in the winter at all and this berries and pear salad with warm cheese and warm caramelised nuts would add a bit of colour to those grey afternoons. 


You can have this salad tossed up in five, ten minutes max provided that your leafy greens and fruits are washed and your dressing is ready. What will you need?

Ingredients for two:

  • A handfuls -or 1 cup- of mixed lettuce leaves, the ones with different shapes, shredded roughly by hand.
  • 1 medium pear, sliced.
  • A handful of strawberries, chopped.
  • A handful of raspberries.
  • 10-15g of walnuts, chopped.
  • 10-15g of almond slivers.
  • Agave Syrup or sugar for caramelising the nuts.
  • 50g Goats cheese or Feta cheese or any sharp soft salted white cheese would do.
  • Vinaigrette dressing, you can Google it or buy it.
  • Balsamic glaze available in TSC.



Wash and tear the lettuce by hand and place in the serving bowl. Top with strawberries, raspberries, pear slices, and toss lightly with a spoonful of the Vinaigrette dressing, careful not to crush the raspberries into mush as you do so.


Next, in a small non-stick frying pan add the nuts and a bit of sugar or the agave syrup and toss lightly until the nuts are all covered in sugar and are nicely caramelised. You’ll know they are done when the sugar/agave turns into a lovely shade of burnt gold. Keep an eye on it and be careful for it can burn in a blink. Once done, top the dressed salad with the nuts, chunks of cheese, and then drizzle the balsamic glaze et voilà! Lunch is served.



I love this salad. I could live on it for an entire week! Each bite is both sweet and savoury, soft and crunchy, juicy and brittle. I’ve spent this December craving it, making it, and of course devouring it. I should warn you, if you like it it might become quite addictive.

4 Responses to “Recipe: Pear and Berries Salad”

  1. m.alaryan says:

    looks really yummy, thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey, just catching up with your blog. Salad looks delicious – I seriously need to eat more healthy.