Days Boutique Artisan Bakery

Nueva Gerona By | March 1, 2015

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In the very last days of January I had the chance to get a sneak peek inside the location of a new bakery in Kuwait City that was due to open very soon. The name is Days Boutique, an artisan desserts bakery located in Dar Al-Awadhi right next door to the famous Karak Gholam. The decor of the coming-soon Days Boutique is quite lovely, modern with a huge studded revolving door, patterned tiles, and endless gorgeous light bulbs hanging from the ceiling.



A few days later I came home to a tin tray with the most gorgeous collection of flowers on one side and a big patterned box on the other. The box said Days and on the strings holding together the box there was a card with my blog’s name on it.



Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS flowers arrangement! When I took them out of the tin tray to arrange into vases I nearly filled up all the vases I had in the house. Given that most of them were roses, my little apartment could have been called the rose central for an entire week afterwards for wherever you’d look, you’d find a bunch of roses brightening the spot they were placed in.



Obviously the tin tray with the flowers and a box were from the very same Day’s Boutique I had visited a few days earlier! Now excuse me for spending a moment marvelling the design of the box, which I had developed serious separation issues when it was time to throw away and nearly hid it in the room where everything is hidden -didn’t I tell you about that one? No? Will do in the future-.


The bottom of the box is of cardboard colour, the top is white with brown recurring designs, then there are two buttons, yes buttons, stuck to opposite corners of the box. To secure the box and keep it from opening up, there are two black strings that stretch and latch on the buttons, making for both a cool looking box and a very handy stick free lock, gone are the days when you clawed at the little piece of scotch tape stuck to every corner of the cake box. I love the buttons/string, such an impressive packaging!


What use is a beautifully branded bakery if the food didn’t live up to the design? Now, looks-wise the cake I found inside lived up to the overall design, lived up indeed. Peaks of cream going up and down all over the surface of the came, pools of caramel gathered at the creaks of the cream, dripping to the side, soaking the thick chocolate-y crust. Its been a while since I’ve seen a cake that attractive.



Taste wise? Well, its all in the taste, it is the deal breaker for me, the one thing that would let me remember a bakery or a shop and pay my hard-earned money to satisfy a craving. Did this seductive beauty have what it takes to win me over with its taste and complete the circle of awesome?


I am happy to announce that yes indeed, the cake is a winner on every level. There are several layers to it, which means several flavours and textures and I love the several layers concept of food, it ensures a surprise with every bite. First there was the thick, crunchy yet moist Oreo crust.


Next there is a layer of fluffy cheesecake, with a flavour like coffee but I might me mistaken. Not your average boring-old cheesecake no, and for a cheesecake its quite light indeed. Over the cheesecake layer there is a pool of salted caramel sauce, one where you could actually taste the tang of the salt, seeping over the cheesecake slices when you cut into it.


Then there is the layer of creamy peaks, which I’d like to say is whipped-cream base but frankly I couldn’t tell what it is. I think it might be more of a cream-cheese cake based frosting than whipped cream and you’d think it would make the cake quite heavy but on the contrary, the overall cake was still fluffy, smooth, and easy on the tongue and stomach!


On a final note, there are more salted caramels pools swimming above the creamy peaks, in addition to the ones below the peaks. Yes, a slice must pack about 800 calories and no, you wouldn’t eat this every day. This is the kind of cake you celebrate with. It demands attention, special settings and a cup of really good coffee and an appetite that is longing for some naughty culinary treat. It is that good and yes, it is a way7a qalbi kind of cake and you know what that means.

So if I had tried the cake almost a month ago why am I posting about it today on the blog? Well, because the cake is so good I thought it would be a bit cruel of me to post about it then ask you to wait for the bakery to open. The good news is, Days opened up TODAY and you can get in your car right away and head towards Dar Al-Awadhi in Kuwait City and get your hands on this salted caramel cheesecake and whatever else they have on display which, judging by the reviews I’m hearing and my own happy tastebuds who still remember the taste of that cheesecake, must be worth trying and consuming the calories for sure.

Days Artisan Desserts Bakery is located in Dar Al-Awadhi and are open as if today. You can get directions and more information by calling or +(965)-22322377 or following their instagram account (@DaysBoutique).

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