Armani Caffé Dubai By | August 9, 2010

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I never thought it would be possible, to actually order and taste a pizza in the Gulf region that is as good as ones served in Italy. Until i tried Armani Café Pizza in Dubai that is, I knew right there and then that I was truly madly deeply head over heels in love with that pizza and that I’ve finally found an Italian like authentic pizza near home.


Whenever I was in Dubai, even if it’s for one day only, I would insist on having lunch in Armani Caffé! Whenever someone was going to visit, I would ask them to say hello to Armani Caffé. The branch in Mall of Emirates is too dim for my camera to take good pictures so I never had any of their pizza. This time I went to the Dubai Mall branch.


The Dubai Mall branch is more open, you are sitting directly below a nest of plastic butterflies and all you can think of as you sit in your chair is how pretty the butterflies look! Plus the people watching is a Bonus! Of course the amount of Kuwaitis sitting there eyeing every one and checking every one out almost ruined it for me, but then it wouldn’t be Armani Caffé without having half the tables filled with staring Kuwaitis now would it?


As soon as we were seated a silver basket of Armani’s yummy bead arrived with the side dipping goodies. The spicy tomato dip and the olive tapanade. We dug in as we waited for the food to arrive.


While waiting for the pizza we ordered the insalata mista and would you look at that presentation?


We also ordered the basil and Mozzarella gnocchi. It came with tomato sauce and tiny pieces of melted mozzarella nestled between the tiny gnocchi pieces. It was so soft, so chewy, so herby, velvety melted cheese and the tomato sauce with the basil  potato bites. Eating this put me in a good mood throughout the day! This is the definition of Comfort Food <3


Then came the pizza. No more words. Just Pictures <3




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Armani Caffe Dubai is located in Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates, both within the luxurious brands section. I highly recommend their pizzas <3

18 Responses to “Armani Caffé Dubai”

  1. noon says:

    im TRULY DEEPLY MADLY head over heels in love with your blog 😛
    however , i will not check it while im fasting , that , i know for sure 😀

    • danderma says:

      LooooL et7ebech il 3afiya hon :*

      I promised that i wouldn’t post food pictures before futoor don’t worry about that 😉

  2. Om Lujain says:

    Yummy… Looks Delicious! I am in love with their roast beef (I used to have it at the branch in South Coast Plaza)… but in Dubai I always only went for desserts. I’ll be sure to go for lunch next time I make it to Dubai <3 oo.. and your describtion is usually what I say, but I always feel thats its filled with staring Saudis.. lol

    Take care.. and as always one of your posts has given me a SERIOUS craving 😀

    • danderma says:

      LooL 3la il staring Saudis :p

      Next time try having lunch there… o try el gnocchi! The taste the taste the taste <3

  3. romeya says:

    i agreeeeee i cant stop dreamign to go every day to dubai just to eat that amazing pizza ,, aaaah i want dubai no0o0ow , plus u should drink the shekarato drink ,,, thats one of the magaical moment …. miss it much

  4. q8travelbud says:

    I had it and its great …. pizza rustica in here has a not so bad pizza too

    • danderma says:

      Ee pizza rustica is good… just not italy good… Armani’s remind me of Italy’s pizza <3

  5. intlxpatr says:

    I have a prejudice for thin crust pizzas from wood burning ovens. I recently tried pear with gorgonzola for the first time, and oh – my – it was amazing. A good pizza is really hard to find, an excellent pizza worth a trip to Dubai. :-) Ramadan mabruk.

    • danderma says:

      Pear and Gorgonzola <3
      I combination i love as well is Goat's Cheese and Green Apple slices baked in the oven with some herbs like rosemary and thyme on top… simply divine

      Thank you hon 😀 Ramadan Mubarak :*

  6. giggles says:

    3alaykom bil 3afia 9a7 kalamich 3an il kuwaitiyen eli e5ezon i understand how you feel mategderen taklen 3ala ra7tich o etha belail ekon azyad ba3ad bas wow the food looks so yummy i tried the pizza o kanat lathetha i love gnocchi will try it next time inshala and their tiramisu is good as well.

  7. eshda3wa says:

    my sis loves pizza

    ill tell her to try it nxt time were in dubai

  8. om modhi says:

    mbarak 3alich el shahar 😀

  9. romeya says:

    D ; its a blend of layers ur tongue buds would be confused 😛 a layer of a sweet iced very soft crunched ice with the foam of the coffee not cream , ( iced ) then a layer of a sweet coffe then a layer of a very sour coffe ,,, really u would be tasting different stuff in one tiny iced cooktail cup and the icing is a baked coffe beans on top . ahhhhhhhhhh

  10. Naser says:

    Hi … which pizza the one in pic?
    I have tried their mushrooms pizza last week & did not like it much!


    • danderma says:

      It is the mushroom pizza. 7safa laish you didn’t like it? usually it tastes amazing!

    • Naser says:

      I liked the Salad “INSALATA” , Pasta & cappuccino …
      The Pizza i got did not look like yours .. may be different chef prepared it for me.
      Overall, Armani Café became a must for me every time I visit Dubai…
      I like this City too much.

      • danderma says:

        It could be, maybe it differes by branch? That was in the Dubai Mall branch…