My pictures in Marie Claire Magazine By | April 9, 2013

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For as long as I can remember I’ve been a fan of Marie Claire magazine. One of the first things I do whenever I land in London is get me the latest issue of Marie Claire UK. Therefore, you can imagine my joy when Marie Claire Kuwait magazine approached me to provide them with the pictures I’ve taken of the Dark Room restaurant when it first opened for a piece about The Dark Room they are writing (post). Read more »

Sneak Preview: The Dark Room Restaurant

By | February 7, 2013

We’ve been invited to a sneak preview of Kuwait’s newest restaurant, The Dark Room. You might have already heard about it or tried it from your travels abroad in London or NYC, but in case you didn’t, The Dark Room is a restaurant where you dine in total darkness with absolutely nothing to see which in turn should enhance your other senses including your taste one and allow you Read more »