What Can You Buy with a 10 Fils Coin?

mythically By | March 12, 2013

http://littlemagonline.com/tag/salon-dore/ IMG_0793-1A year or so ago when I did the “What can you buy with a 5 fils coin” (post) I thought that the 5 fils were the only coins you couldn’t use on their own to purchase something in Kuwait and you had to at least have 10 fils to buy something. Then I went looking around for something to buy for 10 fils and here is a list of things you can buy with a 10 fils coin:

  1. Photocopy one page in a student centre in Kuwait city. That’s a very cheap centre by the way.
  2. The price of minutes in a phone call made by a cell phone according to a telecom company’s package.


Not even a piece of bubble gum is worth 10 fils! I couldn’t even find a stamp, or a any other service, or a lousy SMS! The 10 fils is as worthless on its own, I repeat, on its own, unless you group it with another coins to make a bigger value. Why then do we have a wallet full of coins that have no actual purchase values? Why have a five fils coins when we can’t find a thing to buy for ten fils coin, let alone five? I wonder if the little coins are made of gold though.

So, my dear readers, do you know of anything you can buy with ONE 10 fils coin, on its own, in Kuwait, without having to group it with any other coin? If you do please share.

4 Responses to “What Can You Buy with a 10 Fils Coin?”

  1. Shizzy says:

    That is a really interesting topic – And I can’t think of anything…

    • danderma says:

      I believe the only two things you can buy are the ones I’ve already wrote about. I can’t think of anything else either!

  2. Ins says:

    The telecom company is VIVA. And it is the Best Friend package where I can choose my best friend (who is also a VIVA user) and we can send free sms’s to eachother and call price/minute is 10 fils.

    I generally group my ten 10 fils and wrap them with tape. Whenever I want to buy something worth 100 fils, I just handover the 10x10fils wrapped thing to the bakala guy/whoever. 😀 They just keep staring at what I gave them…. lol

    • danderma says:

      I think other telecom companies have a similar offers as well but that’s good to know. The baqala guys should be happy though, they always ask me to give them change! I have way too many loose change at my disposal!