Shino Qrayshkom ElYoom?

buy neurontin canadian pharmacy By | July 19, 2012

Heihe There is a 50/50 chance that tomorrow is the first day of the Holy Month of Ramadan, mbarak 3leko elshahar o 3asakom min 3owadah. Therefore, people around Kuwait are all having their qraish -Qraish is the last breakfast/brunch muslims have before fasting for Ramadan-. We had our graish at work yesterday but today I had a mini graish of my own. Nothing fancy, some KDD milk and a mini pizza from the cafeteria washed down with a medium Turkish coffee.

What I really wanted for Qraish though was some Zaatar w Zeit’s white cheese fried samboosa with some sweet mint tea. The comibinatoin, especially if the samboosa is bubbling hot, is mind blowing. I could have 20 of these and never get enough, they are simply divine <3 Sadly I’d rather have it for breakfast at home instead of inside my cubicle.

Maybe I’ll have it tonight for su7oor, or tomorrow for breakfast if its not Ramadan. What about you? What was your Qraish?

4 Responses to “Shino Qrayshkom ElYoom?”

  1. Jacqui says:

    Didn’t have a Graish hehe I spent the day before Ramadan working on a list for 8+ hours 😛

  2. noon says:

    biryani, jereesh, noodles, dolma, salads, mo3ajanat, all during 11 am bildawam 😛 lol