Picture of the Week: Cooking Suhoor

http://bfnionizers.com/product/in3425pe-esd-ionizing-nozzle-photoelectric-eye/?add-to-cart=5802 By | August 6, 2012


There is nothing more tantalizing than the aroma of boiling pasta promising you a warm hearty meal at the end of the road. Its so fulfilling! I love pasta so much I allow myself to eat only plain pasta with salt when I’m sick as comfort food, sort of like a guilty pleasure

A few days back I’ve been craving Spaghetti Pomodoro like mad so I decided to have some for my Suhoor meal and it hit all the right spots. I took the picture of the dry spaghetti noodles above while simmering the tomato sauce. That was one memorable Suhoor meal, Yum!

What was your most memorable Suhoor meal this Ramadan?

Picture of the Week: I Miss You!

By | July 30, 2012

Masha2 Allah one third of Ramadan is gone come today! Days do fly fast 7safa 3leeh. Before you know it it will be Eid and we will be pining for Ramadan’s days and its arrival. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize that we are indeed in Read more »

Shino Qrayshkom ElYoom?

By | July 19, 2012

There is a 50/50 chance that tomorrow is the first day of the Holy Month of Ramadan, mbarak 3leko elshahar o 3asakom min 3owadah. Therefore, people around Kuwait are all having their qraish -Qraish is the last breakfast/brunch muslims have before fasting for Ramadan-. We had our graish at work yesterday but today I had a mini graish of my own. Nothing fancy, some KDD milk and a mini pizza from the cafeteria washed down with a medium Turkish coffee.

What I really wanted for Qraish though was some Zaatar w Zeit’s white cheese fried samboosa with some sweet mint tea. The comibinatoin, especially if the samboosa is bubbling hot, is mind blowing. I could have 20 of these and never get enough, they are simply divine <3 Sadly I’d rather have it for breakfast at home instead of inside my cubicle.

Maybe I’ll have it tonight for su7oor, or tomorrow for breakfast if its not Ramadan. What about you? What was your Qraish?