LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 20

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Day 20 and I have 8 more days to go. Since all I’ve been asked lately is “how many kilos of weight have you lost?” I think I’d explain it at the end of this post. As for the food, again I received the same items as day 6 so I don’t see a need to write up a nother post, you can check the meals here (post).

Now as for the weight issue, I don’t know how many exact kilos I’ve lost BECAUSE I didn’t weigh myself yet. I will check the weight AFTER I’m done dieting and see. Besides, not everyone loses the weight at the same rate. Age, activity, lifestyle, metabolism, and other factors contribute to weight loss so if a diet makes me lose 1 kilo it might make another person lose 3 and a third person lose 200 grams. Furthermore, the diet isn’t about losing weight rapidly, its not magic. Its about educating you on portion control and meal balancing and setting a schedule for meals rather than eating just for the sake of having something to do. Weight loss is not the sole purpose of this diet.

Day 20 is gone, eight more days to go.

To learn more about LoFat’s diet menu plans you can call them 22250650 on ,check their website (link), like their facebook page (link), follow them on Twitter (@LoFatGroup), or instagram (@LoFatGroup).

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