Recipe: Quinoa with Okra Stew

Mishawaka By | September 23, 2013

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Ever since I began cooking quinoa I really wanted to use it with one particular dish, maraq bamiya (okra stew). You see, if quinoa passes the maraq bamiya test, it can reside their proudly on my pantry for the rest of time, banishing every last morsel of rice from the premises. The dieticians in Kuwait have been urging us to replace rice with quinoa and I already tried that twice with the quinoa mushroom risotto and the quinoa with dill & broad beans (bajela w shbent) and both time quinoa posed as the perfect protein-packed fiber-laden replacement to white rice therefore I Read more »

Quinoa Bread and Pizza Base from J’s Bakery

By | September 18, 2013


Lately I’ve been doing nothing but trying to concentrate on making my diet work and trying to stick to a healthy life style, therefore you will be seeing a few more diet food related posts every now and then on my blog. Earlier this week, I’ve seen Ansam cooking a dish on instagram using quinoa bread she got from J’s Bakery. Read more »

10 Things That Just Happen As You Diet

By | September 8, 2013


1- A very thin girl makes it her personal quest to destroy your diet. Whenever she sees you she’d squeal and call you too thin and “enough already” even though you’ve only lost a kilo and need 49 more to go! Why, for the love of god, why? Read more »

My Diet Motivation Idea

By | September 4, 2013

How do you motivate yourself while dieting to continue on the path of losing weight? God knows dieting is not easy especially living in a country where our number one hobby is creating glorious dishes and consuming them. To me, my number one reason for losing weight is sadly not health-related although I’m beginning to rethink the order of that priority, it’s looking good in my clothes and being able to buy what I want without worrying about sizes that would keep me dieting. Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 28 and Last!

By | January 11, 2013


And day 28 has finally arrived! On the last day of my LoFat Vegetarian Diet Menu trial I received a breakfast of jam and butter saj with Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 27

By | January 10, 2013


Breakfast was vegetable fatayer with fruit skewers, low fat laban (buttermilk), and white tea. The vegetable fatayer was OK and filled Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 26

By | January 9, 2013


On day 26 of LoFat’s vegetarian diet breakfast was Zaatar fatayer with Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 25

By | January 8, 2013


Day 25 started with a breakfast of a falafel sandwich with fruit skewers, low fat laban (buttermilk), and coffee. Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 24

By | January 7, 2013


Breakfast was a plain croissant with fruit skewers, low fat laban (buttermilk), and Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 23

By | January 6, 2013


Day 23 started with a breakfast of cheese croissant, fruit skewers, low Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 22

By | January 5, 2013


The last week of LoFat’s vegetarian diet has started and the count down has begun. On day 22 I received a breakfast of spinach fatayer with Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 21

By | January 4, 2013


Day 21 marked the third consecutive week of dieting with LoFat with one last week to go. This is also the last of the repeated diet meals so starting tomorrow and for the last week I’m having new meals to try and post about. Day 21 was exactly like day 7 (post) but this time LoFat got me a mushroom fettuccini alfredo instead of the chicken one they got me last time. It was good! 

To learn more about LoFat’s diet menu plans you can call them 22250650 on ,check their website (link), like their facebook page (link), follow them on Twitter (@LoFatGroup), or instagram (@LoFatGroup).

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 20

By | January 3, 2013


Day 20 and I have 8 more days to go. Since all I’ve been asked lately is “how many kilos of weight have you lost?” I think I’d explain it at Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 19

By | January 2, 2013


Happy New Year!

I’m happy that I’m starting the 2013 blog posts with dieting ones, I’ll consider it a good sign for the year! I didn’t diet yesterday but today I’m picking up my diet and resuming my path to feeling better. By the way I was told yeasterday that I looked thinner Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet -Day 18

By | December 31, 2012


Day 18 is here and is the last dieting day in 2012. Which should be a good and encouraging thing that I’m ending the year being on a diet :)  However, the menu is exactly the same as day 4 (post) so it would be pointless to repost it again now isn’t it?

Do enjoy the last day of 2012! 2013 is upon us and I wish you all a happy, prosperous, healthy year surrounded by the people you love :)

To learn more about LoFat’s diet menu plans you can call them 22250650 on ,check their website (link), like their facebook page (link), follow them on Twitter (@LoFatGroup), or instagram (@LoFatGroup).

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 17

By | December 30, 2012

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Day 17 is here and it started with, Zaatar croissant with fruit skewers, low fat Laban (buttermilk), and Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 16

By | December 29, 2012

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Day 16 of the LoFat vegetarian diet started with a breakfast of a small cheese croissant with fruit skewers, low fat Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 15

By | December 28, 2012


Day 15 of LoFat vegetarian diet is here. Which also marks the start of the second week of my dieting and starts the count down. Only 13 more days of LoFat dieting experience to go! I hope I’m doing a somewhat decent Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 14

By | December 27, 2012


Day fourteen of LoFat’s vegetarian diet started a breakfast of small brown bagel with lettuce and cheese, fruit skewers, low fat Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 13

By | December 26, 2012


Day thirteen started with a breakfast of Labneh & Zaatar saj, fruit skewers, low fat Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 12

By | December 25, 2012


Day twelve started with a breakfast of waffles with chocolate sauce, fruit skewers, low fat Laban (buttermilk), and Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 11

By | December 24, 2012


On the eleventh day of my LoFat vegetarian diet trial I received a falafel sandwich with fruit skewers and Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 10

By | December 23, 2012

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Day ten of the diet is a monumental day. It marks the end of one third of the dieting period, which means 30%! That’s an accomplishment for me. For my day ten breakfast I received fontina omelette in a saj bread, fruit Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 9

By | December 22, 2012


Day nine of my trying LoFat’s vegetarian diet menu started with a breakfast of vegetarian pizza, low fat Laban (buttermilk), and Read more »

LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 8

By | December 21, 2012


On day 8 of my LoFat Vegetarian Diet, which is also the first day in the second week of the diet, I had a breakfast meal of pita pockets with  Read more »