The Lotus Biscuit & Biscuit Spread Weekend

buy Latuda Latuda By | June 23, 2013

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Earlier last week I received a big brown box from Abdul Aziz Alghanim General Trading company, the distributors of the much beloved and very popular Lotus caramelised biscuits in Kuwait. So popular in fact that the company recently opened a Lotus Corner cafe serving Lotus caramelised biscuit products in Souk Sharq!

When I opened the box I expected to see a box of biscuits or two. What I found was a treasure trove for every biscuit lover in general and lotus biscuit in specific.


Boxes and boxes of Lotus biscuits in different shapes and sizes and packaging, chocolate coated even. More boxes of another brand of cookies stocked by Al-Ghanim company as well. They came in carton boxes or in gorgeous coloured tins. Not only biscuits, cans of fruit drinks as well in many flavours. The star of the box, the trendy Lotus Biscuit Spread. Not only the usual smooth biscuit trend, also the crunchy one! I didn’t even though that exists!


Consuming the biscuits will take a year or so since there were so many of them but the biscuit spreads were present at the Friday breakfast table alongside freshly squeezed orange juice, hot brewed coffee, and toasted pieces of bread. At first we decided to only open the crunchy biscuit spread jar since we didn’t try that one before. Well, the pictures will speak now.




Who needs peanut butter when you have lotus biscuit spread? I realise the health benefits and the protein contents of peanut butter are more beneficial but there is nothing like a little naughty upgrade every once in a while. Then there was the jar of smooth biscuit spread, all lonely and waiting in the corner. I decided just to open the lid and express my love…


Perhaps a little spoonful won’t hurt? Mo?


After breakfast and doing the Friday chores, when it was finally my time to sit back and relax I felt like having a nice cup of tea with some of the biscuits, especially the chocolate one.


Tea? I like to drink my tea in a cup, with a golden colour and an almost see through consistency. I also think that Lotus biscuits taste better dunked in tea than coffee.




The chocolate lotus caramelised biscuits… the chocolate melted when finally dipped into the hot tea. Mamma Mia!

Thank you Abdulaziz Al-Ghanim Company for sending this lotus biscuit goodies box my way. I will have enough lotus biscuits for a year! Now tell me, which is your favourite lotus biscuit product? The original caramelised biscuits? The chocolate covered ones? The smooth biscuit spread? Or the crunchy one? Mine is definitely the crunchy one!

Lotus Caramelised Biscuit products can be delivered right to your door step, all you have to do is contact the distributor by calling +(965) – 22461564 or checking their instagram account (@LotusKw) or (@LotusCornerKw) for the Lotus Corner Cafe.


2 Responses to “The Lotus Biscuit & Biscuit Spread Weekend”

  1. Stephanie says:

    OH MY DAYS, I am the most jealous person alive right now, I would do terrible things to get my hand on that box! We’ve only just got the spread here in the UK and after eating two jars of the spread with a spoon I’ve tried to bake with it – it’s fab! I made flapjacks and millionaires shortbread

    • danderma says:

      Ooooh I’ve thought about using the spread in a recipe but I haven’t been able to do so yet, I did get a birthday cake that is made with the crunchy lotus spread :p I will be posting about it soon and might very well steal your recipe if you don’t mind!