Happy Birthday to Me… My 30 Things List

By | July 17, 2013


I was born in Ramadan 1430 in the hijri, or lunar calendar. The lunar year is now 1434 and today is my birthday again and the first birthday to coincide with my Lunar birth month as well, which is something that occurs once every 33 years only! Happy birthday to me, I’m 19 once more and forever and I have to say being in your 30’s is not bad at all. If anything, somehow it feels better than being in your 20’s. You are much wiser, more accomplished, more confident, less awkward, and people take you more seriously plus you don’t look that old.

Happy birthday to me and happy birthday to my birthday twin fellow blogger Standy whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in Kuwait this year! Happy birthday to us, dear Standy, and happy birthday to all my readers who are born today, or in July, or whose star sign is cancer :)

Now for the list…

how to order a prednisone taper 1- Speak French,German, and Italian. –> I learned two French words but with my deteriorating memory I’ve forgotten them. Oh well, C’est La Vie!

http://sunsationalhomeimprovement.com/louvered-patio-covers/ 2- Learn how to play the piano. –> The piano learning device on the iPad I bought last year is gathering dust! I have to find some free me time.

3- Weigh 45 Kilos. –> I did lose a bit of weight this past year but I need to concentrate a bit more and really get into it. There is nothing I want more than to be skinny again.

4- Lead a healthy life style –> Starting tomorrow I’m going to make some changes and start watching what I eat for real and try and be healthy, not for the sake of losing weight, for the sake of prolonging my health and evading ageing illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

5- Get the perfect blonde hair dye. Well I’m bored from my last year’s hair colour and I think I want to go look for a new lovely shade of blonde, any ideas?

6- Visit Japan. -> Still waiting :( I really, really, REALLY want to visit especially during April.

7- Go to the original Disney Land. -> Still waiting :( I need to travel more but I cannot afford to do so now a days. I need a change of scenery.

8- Get rid of Acne and Black heads for good.-> I got the most awesome facial washing device, I will post about it for soon. Nothing will be gone for good of course but my complexion should improve.

9- Finish fixing up my current apartment -> I’ve moved a year and a half ago but I still have some boxes that are unopened. I need to either unbox and arrange them or get rid of them once and for all. It’s time to declutter.

10- Learn how to fly with the Aviation Simulator thing. -> Although I live nearby I’ve never been to the Aviation thing, I really need to find more me time to do what I want.

11- Publish my writings in a book. –> Published two books to date! Alf el 7amd le Allah, working on the third.

12- Have the perfect Hollywood smile. –> Still waiting to get lumineers but I really don’t feel like visiting another dentist for the next year or so!

13- Prevent aging, wrinkles, and gray hair. –> Well there are some measures a person can take once the facial creams stop having any effects, perhaps its time to visit a dermatologist!

14- Join and actually commit to a gym. –> Err I made it inside a gym this year, I’m contemplating joining.

15- Go to hajj.–> There some construction work being done in Mecca right now, it’s advisable to go next year.

16- Grow a thicker skin–> As time goes by I find myself caring less about what people think about me or say behind my back. I’m proud of myself actually but sometimes something slips by and makes me sad. I managed to filter 80% of bad things before, I’m aiming to 100% this year.

17- Build my dream house… Tiny white small modern with French doors opening to the garden. –> Eeeh… still waiting.

18- Program a video game. –> Might do so soon!

19- Program my first Apple application. –> I know what I want to program, an application for my blog. All I need now is time!

20- Organize all my photos into albums… All neat and dated.–> Half way through there! Yes I don’t have enough time.

21- Learn Arabian calligraphy. –> Looking for classes, perhaps I might take some art lessons too! Explore my potential.

22- See my books displayed in Waterstones, UK. –> I now know exactly what I need to do for that to happen. Just waiting for my first book to finish editing.

23- Plant my own vegetable garden. –> I bought myself a device that might help, still unboxed it though, will post about it once I have the time.

24- Learn karate or any other form of martial arts. –> Still can’t find a suitable gym/trainer.

25- Relax, relax, relax –> I managed to fix my sleeping patterns by managing to relax a bit. However, now that I’m approaching my mid-thirties I find myself needing to relax more often. My peace of mind is what I value most in life.

26- Stop biting my nails and growing them out like other normal girls. –> Sadly they are now chewed beyond the point of being presentable. I need to grow them again.

27- Stop eating chocolate, candy, and soft drinks plus sticking to a healthy eating diet plan. –>  I realized that stop eating something is not the way to go. If I want to eat a piece of chocolate I will eat a piece of chocolate, only I will incorporate it into my daily eating plan.

28- Become a better photographer. –> I might not be able to draw, or paint, but I’ve been told over and over that my photographs are different and who knows? I might be really good indeed.

29- Less time on the couch, more time with my friends. –> I have some ten pending coffee dates that I’ve made with friends but never found the time to go with them. I miss having some quality time with friends, chatting and laughing over a cup of coffee or a light dinner. All I need is time, and god knows where my time goes!

30- Smile more, be less shy. –> I might come off to people as a stuck up snob but the truth is that I’m extremely shy and really cannot remember faces so I don’t intend to ignore people, I just live in a little shy forgetful bubble of my own. I need to start smiling more.

Now let the celebrations begin, I’m going to spoil myself rotten today! Happy birthday to me and thanks be to Allah for letting me live another year with my health, security, and loved ones :D

27 Responses to “Happy Birthday to Me… My 30 Things List”

  1. ilulzblog says:

    Happy birthday gorgeous

  2. Pink GirL Q8 says:

    enshallah et7aqeqeen kel your dreams o Happy Birthday again & again lovely :*****

  3. Happy Birthday To You & Standy ,
    Good Luck with your LIST :)

  4. Aya @sukarah says:

    Happy birthday!! Well said Danderma. I hate when people (esp women) try to hide their real age. Am two years shy of thirty and am cool with it, like you said, we gain more experience and become wiser as we age. They grey hair and wrinkles as just the price we have to pay.

    • danderma says:

      Thank you dear! I don’t care about sharing my real age because the number of years I’ve lived on this earth doesn’t define me. At heart I feel like a 19 years old and as long as I feel that way, I’m happy! Thank you for your birthday wishes!

  5. sheikha says:

    Happy birthday dearest Danderma, wish you a great year ahead full of achievements and I look forward to your review next year.

  6. Jacqui says:

    Awww that’s one long list hehe 😛 I turn 19 this year too hehehe it’ll be my first time really 😛 Well second but I am not really dreading it as much as I thought I would. It’s a bit scary since I’m at a weird point in life but it’s all great! 😛

    Here is another phrase for you in Italian:
    La vita senza di te è niente = Life without you is nothing.
    Here it is in Spanish:
    La vida sin ti es nada = Life without you is nothing.

    Hehehe Ciao Bella :* And Feliz Cumpleanos (in Spanish) Buon Compleanno (in Italian) 😛

  7. Hafsa says:

    Many happy returns dear!
    How about coming over for tea wt me someday after ramadan? You can meet little Sulaiman too :)

    • danderma says:

      Awww I’d be honoured wallah! It’s a date then :) How is the sibling rivalry?

  8. baglady says:

    Dear Danderma,

    First, I wish you a Ramadhan Kareem. Second, I WISH YOU A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and Inshallah you will celebrate it again 33 years from now. Wish you all the best. By the way, I loved the books you published and I not only ordered them for myself, but also as gifts for friends who live out of Q8 through amazon.

    • danderma says:

      Thank you dear, for your kind wishes and for your support! Hopefully as I grow older I will publish more books that you would enjoy! Your comment made my day :)

  9. Eiman says:

    Happy Birthday. May all your dreams come true , not just your list.
    Enjoy your time, There is nothing more enjoyable than being 30+
    I never in my life felt more happier,beautiful, attractive, and content until I turned 32 and looking forward to the future.
    God Bless you..

    • danderma says:

      Thank you sweetheart, god bless you too and I know what I mean. You are left with this big 3 oh stigma that blinds you, as if you should admit defeat the day you leave your 20’s behind but when you are in your 30’s it’s just another feeling all together :)

  10. OMG! I completely forgot you’re my birthday twin!! Belated happy birthday anyway, may you have many more to come insha Allah.
    PS I completed a beginner Arabic calligraphy course a few years ago..and am also shy…and would like to join the gym…. lol.

    • danderma says:

      Happy birthday to you! We seem to share some similar traits then :p How was the Arabian calligraphy course?

  11. BananaQ8 says:

    Happy BDay dear كل عام وانتي بخير وصحة وسلامة والعمر كله ان شاءالله :)