O’ de Rose, a Dazzling Boutique in Dubai

order Ivermectin By | August 20, 2013

can i buy accutane in mexico odrsid-004Whenever I am in Dubai I make sure to visit Gallery Lafayette’s home section and spend a few hours lost between the quirky merchandise they have on display. One particular section that I adore is a little corner with trendy Arabian and Middle Eastern furniture and home accessories with a modern twist. This past visit I was admiring a tea flask and asking the sales lady if it came in any other colour when she said they might have some in their original store! They have an original store? Read more »

The Buraiqa’a Ring from Burqa’a & Agal

By | March 16, 2013

brfbaafd-005-1the other day I stumbled along a new booth in the P2bk village that sold cute accessories. The name of the business is “Burga’a & Agal” and they came all the way from Dubai, UAE to participate in the P2bk exhibition and I loved what they had in display. The traditional Read more »

Blast from the Past: My Swatch Collection

By | May 25, 2011

Earlier this week Meblogging posted about the Swatch Collection in Geneve (post), then Mark posted about his first Swatch (post) and it got me thinking about my first Swatch! I realized that by some miracle I still have my first Swatch so I dug it out and found my collection of Swatch watches. Read more »