Things to Do in London: Cantina Laredo

order prednisone online By | February 12, 2013

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In my never ending search for a Mexican restaurant with great tasting Mexican food, I stumbled one cold winter night into Cantina Laredo, a US-Chain Mexican restaurant sporting the slogan “Gourmet Mexican Food” with menu prices to match that slogan. The restaurant was very busy, softly lit and buzzing with diner’s chatter and Read more »

Things 2 Do in London: Benito’s Hat’s Burritos

By | March 13, 2012

Given that we have a Mexican cuisine deprivation in Kuwait I try and load up on Mexican food whenever I am abroad. Surprisingly London doesn’t -or didn’t- have that much of a Mexican Cuisine scene. Unlike the Read more »

Restaurant Review: Wahaca Mexican Market Eating!

By | June 6, 2010

Do you love Mexican Food? Then you will love absolutely LOVE Wahaca!

One of the sad things about the Q8y culinary scene is the lack of a good wholesome Mexcian restaurant. If you are a fan of Mexican food, I highly recommend you try this restaurant the nex Read more »