LoFat Vegetarian Diet – Day 12

By | December 25, 2012


Day twelve started with a breakfast of waffles with chocolate sauce, fruit skewers, low fat Laban (buttermilk), and white tea. I was really happy to see the waffle. I love waffles <3 Of course I didn’t expect it to taste like the waffles made fresh off a hot griddle. It was OK, kinda spongey. I had fun over breakfast that day.


Lunch was Okra and tomato tagine with white rice and a greek salad.


The okra and tomato tagine is very similar to my beloved maraq bamiya! I enjoyed it very much indeed. However, the okra was still a little too hard and could do with a bit more simmering on the stove to soften it a bit.


The greek salad was standard. Kinda boring actually but at least it contains a lot of leafy greens! The cheese however came in two tiny cubes. Is that how much cheese we are supposed to consume? No wonder I’m overweight!


Dessert was a pistachio panacotta. It was good! Very creamy and very tasty.


Dinner was Indian cottage cheese with coconut milk with white rice and pumpkin soup.


The cottage cheese mix was good and warming but it was quite spicy. If your stomach can’t handle spice then this dish is not for you.


The pumpkin soup, as always, was one of the better soups provided by LoFat. Highly recommended if you are a pumpkin fan.


Day twelve of the diet was made by the okra stew “maraq bamiya” and the pistachio panacotta! The okra stew felt very homey and familiar. Maybe LoFat should include more Kuwaiti dishes in their menu. I wouldn’t say no to a vegetarian momawash in this weather.

To learn more about LoFat’s diet menu plans you can call them 22250650 on ,check their website (link), like their facebook page (link), follow them on Twitter (@LoFatGroup), or instagram (@LoFatGroup).

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