Event: Ghaliah Technology’s 2nd Anniversary

divinely By | June 6, 2013

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It all started earlier last week when a brown paper wrapped small package was dropped at home, wrapped in white ribbon, with my blog’s name on it from Ghaliah Technology, a distinguished social media company in Kuwait that we’ve been dealing with for a while now.


What’s inside?


A beautiful square canvas with the name of my blog, Danderma, written in beautiful Arabic calligraphy and in the lightest shade of lime green, my favourite colour -in the pictures its yellow for some reason!-. The canvas is lovely! It’s going on my wall for sure.


The canvas was part of a customised invitation by Ghaliah Technology to attend their 2nd year anniversary celebration on Tuesday June 2013 as mark on the blue save the date calendar sent with the canvas. You couldn’t miss the date fore sure.


Therefore on 7 P.M. on Tuesday we were in Ghaliah Technology‘s office to join in the celebration. The place was buzzing with activity with many prominent names in the social media scene of Kuwait present. Everything was bathed in a fierce blue light and as a result the song I’m Blue won’t get out of my head since Tuesday.


Catering was by Figs by Todd English, a first time occurrence which was very successful, the food was excellent!


Give aways included cake pops made by Little Treats shaped like Social Media Application   Icons. Of course the Instagram icon was the first to go, very cute!


The man behind Ghaliah Technology, Mr. Abdulrazzaq Al-Mutawa, gave a quick speech thanking every one who could attend and Ghaliah’s Team.


Then there was the second anniversary’s cake by The Chocolate Bar and guests actually sang Happy Birthday :p


Then we all got the chance to write on Ghaliah’s wall and draw on our own canvases. My canvas turned out horrible, there was no need to photograph it.


The most fun thing about the event was the Printgram. A service that is said to be the first in Kuwait, which is a printer that will print any picture from instagram automatically the instant the hashtag #Ghaliah2 was added to the picture. Groovy! I want one of those.


It was an amazing event were we finally got to meet the names behind the Ghaliah emails and meet other social media people we know only in the cyber world. Thank you Ghaliah Technology for the invitation and lovely event, happy second anniversary and wishing you many successful years to come.

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