Dinner at Ribs and Rumps Steakhouse

Rāghogarh By | April 17, 2013

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Ribs and Rumps, an Australian steakhouse franchise and one of Kuwait’s newest eateries, hosted a blogger’s dinner a few nights ago. Ribs and Rumps have been in their soft opening phase for about a week or ten days now and when we arrived the outdoors seating area was busy with diners, the weather was sensational that night and perfect for dining outdoors and people watching.


The moment you cross the restaurant’s entrance you are hit with the BBQ aroma and if you are a meat lover I expect pictures of different cuts of grilled meat would start running through your head as you inhale, or so I was told by a fellow diner.


The bloggers were seated in the first floor area and we climbed a very long flight of stairs -no elevator yet, not recommended to climb while wearing high heels- to reach our table.



I loved the interior of Ribs and Rumps! All cement walls and wood and robes and chains with a dash of red here and there and big windows overlooking the street below. The top floor light fixtures are huge and gorgeous!





We were seated on a table with Ansam and her cousin Mohsin and we finally had our long awaited coffee outing, only it was more of a dinner outing. They’ve already ordered appetisers by the time we were seated and a few minutes after settling in and saying hello the appetisers arrived: grilled mushrooms and cheesy garlic bread.



There was no reason not to join the two appetisers together and have a bit of fun. Can you see the smily face :)


Ansam and her cousin already had this iced-tea looking drink on the table. I think it was drinking Arnold Palmer which is one of her favourite drinks (lemonade mixed with iced tea).


For their main dishes apparently all my fellow diners wanted burgers and thought ribs and steaks were too much to digest for dinner, so two big hamburgers and an order of three sliders – the hugest sliders I’ve ever seen- arrived next on the table with lots and lots and lots of fries. Mammoth size portions as promised by Ribs and Rumps!







According to my fellow dining carnivors, the burgers were juicy and very good. I have to say that it didn’t take long for every single piece of burger to vanish off their plates. Nothing was left but the bun crumbs. No steak or ribs were tried by them though, which is ironic since the name of the restaurant is ribs. However, next came the dessert that cannot be resisted, the sticky date pudding!


I hate dates and I don’t eat anything with dates, but when everyone on the table divided their share of the dessert they urged me to try it. When I did, I had my share and stole some from an unsuspecting fellow diner. It was that good!


Not to sweet, very sticky, very soft and freshly baked. Drenched from the top in toffee and soaked by vanilla ice cream on the bottom! Highly recommended.


We had a great time at Ribs and Rumps bloggers night the other day. Thank you Lujain Al-Fulaij and Dana Al-Salem for your invitation and hospitality and recommending the killer sticky date pudding! Wishing you the best of luck :)


Ribs and Rumps is located in the new restaurant’s complex, Menus, located somewhere between Al-Kout mall and Spoons. For more information regarding Ribs and Rumps you can check their website (link), follow them on twitter (@RibsNRumps), or on Instagram (@RibsNRumps).

2 Responses to “Dinner at Ribs and Rumps Steakhouse”

  1. Ansam says:

    Come to think about it… I regret not having ribs, but I was not THAT hungry lol! Loved your post, I am gonna link it to mine when I finish it. Oh and it was peach iced tea that we ordered, but I love the fact that you know I LOVE Arnold Palmber 😀 Coffee outing is still on by the way 😛

    • danderma says:

      I told you guys to order it ma sm3taw kalamee! Lo one order only and you could share.. there is also a ribs burger, that would have been interesting :)
      Coffee still pending then, coming soon insha2 Allah 😀