Tasting Dinner at Nutri Restaurant

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The other day I was invited for a tasting dinner in Nutri, one of Kuwait City’s newest restaurants located in Dar Al-Awadhi and specialising in providing light and healthy meals in a restaurant setting. Don’t you wish there were more health-oriented restaurants around in the land of 1001 restaurants? Please let it be the next trend, we are so tired of burger joints! Read more »

Salad Boutique’s New Office Meal Box

By | October 1, 2013


I’m a big fan of Salad Boutique, always been and always will. I’ve ordered their salads on many occasions before, either to take with me for a gathering or to simplify salad making for gatherings held at my place. I don’t usually order them for my own meals though since the portion is too big and it takes me several days to finish one salad which ends up old and wilted, and wilted salads are not that fun per-say. I always wondered why they don’t introduce individual portion salads suitable for one person and they didn’t until last week when they launched their new corporate solution menu.  Read more »

Planet Hollywood’s Qerqaia’an

By | July 28, 2013


The last qerqaia’an gift I received for the holy month of Ramadan this year was the one sent to me by Planet Hollywood Restaurant in Kuwait. An acrylic tray decorated with the US flag and filled with Hershey’s chocolates, Planet Hollywood’s memorabilia, and a fresh jasmine flower necklace that is all the rage these days in Kuwait.  Read more »

Why Can’t an Adult order from the Children’s Restaurant Menu?

By | June 25, 2013


The other day I was out for lunch and I wasn’t feeling very hungry. When we were seated I asked for the children’s menu, only to be met by the waitress’s refusal to hand me one. Why? You cannot order a children’s meal for yourself if you are an adult. Read more »

What Happens if you Can’t Pay for your Restaurant Meal?

By | June 19, 2013


This may be a strange matter to ponder but I can’t help do so. When we were children reading comics or watching old movies, when people cannot pay for their food in a restaurant the restaurant makes them either peel the potatoes or wash the dishes until the price of their meal is paid off. Read more »

The Ridiculous Prices of Soft Drinks

By | March 19, 2013


I never really checked a restaurant’s menu for prices before. If I want to get something I get it regardless of the price. The other day I tried to order in lunch from a restaurant that is new to the “home delivery” scene in Kuwait and they took forever to arrive. Read more »