Preparations for the Dathra Party

Villa Canales By | July 14, 2012"http:/"

I didn’t want the launch of my 2nd book to be a quiet affair but I had no hopes of a book signing given that the timing is not right at all (summer, Ramadan, etc.) so I thought why not throw a cosey dinner party at my place? The decision to throw a Dathra party came last Saturday and right away me & Pink Girl spent our Saturday driving around Kuwait discussing the party and purchasing supplies.

Our first -and most important- stop was at Shuwaikh’s candy district to purchase the contents of the party give away bags. I knew I wanted to give away signed Dathra books but I wanted to do it in the oldest way possible. What’s older than to feel like you’re a kid whose just gone into a baqala and filled out a bag of old candy? This is what I wanted to capture. Look at my spread :)

If you are a child of the 80’s you’d immediately recognize the treats on the table for this is what we used to munch on when we were kids at a very simple time. Part of Dathra’s charm was her refusal to let go of the old things that made her feel good and protected in her own comfort zone, I wanted those old comforting things to be in the bag with her books. I also chose floona’s bufak (corn puffs). Many loved floona as an 80’s cartoon and who doesn’t feel nostalgic towards bufak?

Gem colored jelly cups! I adored those as a child!

Just because we are now in the 2000’s doesn’t mean we cannot have fun. And those bubble makers are the perfect way to induce laughter! I could never resist them and I still can’t. Each give away bag had one of those.

Speaking of bags, this is the kind of bag that I chose.

Oversized green bags that are NO WAY considered elegant. Alongside a purple ribbon thing that if you pull on the side turns into a hideous flower shaped wrapped. Just perfect! Here is one filled bag of goodies.

Next, wrapping the flower ribbon.

The final look of the bags, horribly dather 😀

Whatever was left over from the candy I filled in a big green zebeel (traditional wicker basket)  and is now ready for Qerqai3an. I hope we get a lot of kids knocking on our doors this year 😀

Other things I bought that day was plastic plates, plastic bowls, plastic utensils, plastic cups, plastic table spreads, a horrible plastic table cloth, Carton of Sunkist, soft drink cans, KDD ice creams, and old  style birthday decorations or what we call “zeena” like the ones we used back in the 80’s birthday parties.

All I had to do was make up the number of guests (10, my apartment isn’t big enough to accommodate more guests), send out the invitations, and prepare the menu. After all, the party was only 4 days away! I will post about the party tomorrow insha2 Allah :)

3 Responses to “Preparations for the Dathra Party”

  1. giggles says:

    oh my god just looking at these treats brought back good memories :)

  2. […] Danderma invited me along with other bloggers to a small cozy party at her place to launch her second book […]