Ramadan 2012 Lgaymat Day

http://bfnionizers.com/product-category/esd-accessories/?add-to-cart=2476 By | August 7, 2012


Ramadan does not feel like Ramadan until the Lgaymat day arrives. Lgaymat day is the day when you have the most amazing most delicious Lgaymat ever delivered to you and you eat them first thing at futoor and want to have nothing else but them.

Last year I had one hell of Lqaymat day from Baking Tray and dear giggles (post). This year my Lqaymat came from my dear friend Charpys who arrived just before futoor bearing a plate full of bubbling hot Lqaymat plus Bala7 elSham.

Bala7 el Sham are Lgaymat’s cousins but they come in a different shape and are also a favorite of mine and the ones I got were no exception.

Look at those golden orbs of sweetness <3

As expected I had a fine time breaking my fast over the lovely golden Lgaymat dripping with sweet syrup.

I even experimented a little. Why not spread the Lgaymat with some chocolate? You know what? I did and I loved the combo! Someone should open up a home business selling Lgaymat dipped in chocolate!

It was one fine day. Good Lgaymat, tea, and Arabian coffee. What more could you ask for <3

Thank  you my dear Charpys for sending those delicious lgaymat noq9a <3 You truly made my day. Akramch Allah o 3asakom min 3owadah insha2 Allah :)

5 Responses to “Ramadan 2012 Lgaymat Day”

  1. giggles says:

    3alaych bil 3afia they look yummy, 5osh fekra elgaymat with chocolate will try it inshala :)

    • danderma says:

      Allah y3afeech and thank you :* You must try them with chocolate they are so good!