My Relaxed Ramadan Ghabga By | July 29, 2013

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It’s been a while since I’ve had friends over. I’ve been too tired lately and with all the Ramadan fasting and meal preparations I haven’t had a moment to relax. During the holy month of Ramadan people gather for a “ghabga” and there are many ghabgas going around. A ghabga is a dinner party Read more »

Dallah Bakery’s Elba and Sukary Cups

By | July 20, 2013


Elba’s traditional Kuwaiti bakery brought back their famous Elba with the start of the holy month of Ramadan. I’ve missed their elba, but they only make it in Ramadan and so on the very first week they sent me one cold pot of saffron-y elba, Dallah’s way of a Ramadan greeting. Read more »

Cake Story’s Ali Baba Dessert

By | July 19, 2013


One of the local home businesses that I truly admire is Cake Story. Their desserts are amazing, their packaging is gorgeous, and their service is friendly and reliable. Last week I received a box of their special edition Ramadan desserts, and the box itself was telling an Arabian love story! Read more »

The Danish Bakery’s Ramadan Gift

By | July 15, 2013

On the day before the start of the Holy Month of Ramadan I received a cake from The Danish Bakery’s as a Ramadan greeting. I love everything about The Danish Bakery, from their unique shop layout where you can walk around and pick up whatever you desire to the delicious fresh sandwiches. They also have a killer Read more »

The Gathering New Ramadan Treats

By | July 11, 2013


More special Ramadan flavours are appearing everywhere, and this time two new special Ramadan flavours came from The Gathering. I’ve tried The Gathering’s molten cakes many times before and they are usually my quick on-the-go guilty treats since they are located right there in our Co-op. The night before Ramadan I received two heavy cream and Tiffany blue boxes of goodies with a card from The Gathering. Read more »

Ramadan 2012 Lgaymat Day

By | August 7, 2012

Ramadan does not feel like Ramadan until the Lgaymat day arrives. Lgaymat day is the day when you have the most amazing most delicious Lgaymat ever delivered to you and you eat them first thing at futoor and want to Read more »

Delivery Express Ramadan Gift

By | August 4, 2012

The other day I received a white bag from Delivery Express, inside was lots of orange and yellow tissue paper and a nice cream box. Read more »