Sugar Coated Strawberry Cookie Bites

buy oral Pregabalin By | July 22, 2013 tsdicfscq-006-1

One of the most delicious culinary combinations ever invented are strawberries dipped in chocolate. I personally can eat an entire bucket of strawberries dipped in chocolate, or chocolate strawberries as I call them, and still want more. I remember in 2006 there was only one or two stores that sold strawberries dipped in chocolate but these days there are many around and I’m grateful for that. Sugar Coated, a home business that sells chocolate strawberries sent me a box full of them the other day to try.  Read more »

Delightful Desserts from Cucinare Bakery

By | July 22, 2013


Cucinare Bakery is a new bakery that opened up quite recently in Kuwait. Cucinare is is co-owned by the beloved Chef Hanouf Al-Balhan and the sweet Ala’a Al-Jarki and is located in Sha’ab yet still in its soft opening phase. Last week I received a big purple and green bag with two Cucinare products to try: the seasonal berries cake and a cookies raspberry chocolate tart. Read more »

Dallah Bakery’s Elba and Sukary Cups

By | July 20, 2013


Elba’s traditional Kuwaiti bakery brought back their famous Elba with the start of the holy month of Ramadan. I’ve missed their elba, but they only make it in Ramadan and so on the very first week they sent me one cold pot of saffron-y elba, Dallah’s way of a Ramadan greeting. Read more »

New Delicious Winter Goods from Dallah Bakery

By | November 19, 2012

If you are a follower of my blog -and instagram account- you might recognize my adoration of Dallah’s local bakery (post). Everything they make: the coffee, the Elba, the Ghraiba, etc. is a favorite of mine and I keep going back for more and would serve their products for my guests at my own gatherings (post) (post). Last weekend I tried not one but two of Dallah’s new and very delicious Read more »

Ramadan 2012 Lgaymat Day

By | August 7, 2012

Ramadan does not feel like Ramadan until the Lgaymat day arrives. Lgaymat day is the day when you have the most amazing most delicious Lgaymat ever delivered to you and you eat them first thing at futoor and want to Read more »

Review: Dallah Kuwaiti Bakery

By | July 24, 2012

Imagine someone whose taste buds you trust, you know when they say that someone tastes good, then it does indeed taste good. When they don’t like something, then it will turn out horrible? Imagine then that this someone decides to Read more »

Exhibition: Sukar Ramadan in 360 Mall

By | July 13, 2012

I received quite an unusual invitation to a new exhibition, Sukkar Ramadan, in the form of a big chocolate bar with the invitation detail printed on the wrapping. Read more »