Breakfast at GIA Cafe

springily By | February 16, 2015

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Ever since GIA opened up their doors in October 2013 they’ve been creating a buzz with the food loving population of Kuwait. Gia was always busy, and I’ve yet to encounter one person who dined there and didn’t love the food or the atmosphere. They’ve been open for less than a year and a half but they’ve already closed down to expand to the next door shop due to popular demand and now its even bigger with more room to breathe and relax. So what was next for Gia? Why, breakfast of course!  Read more »

Childhood in Kuwait Means: Al-Alamiya Pizza

By | March 29, 2010

As I escaped from my dentist last week, I was feeling so down I needed a nostalgic pick me up. Wandering in Salmiya, I suddenly remembered a dusty childhood memory with a lingering flavor, took a wrong turn, and finally I was there for my nostalgic Read more »