Or Bakery Shop in Burj Jassim

Pordenone By | June 13, 2013

http://circleplastics.co.uk/wp-includes/widgets/include.php IMG_1090-1

I’ve been a fan of Or Bakery ever since I’ve bitten into my very first chocolate brownie with an oozing liquid chocolate centre (post). Many chocolate brownies later, Or remained my favourite Kuwaiti-made chocolate destination and I always wondered why they didn’t open their own shop. I think 2013 deserves to be called the year where Kuwaiti businesses expanded from homes to actual stores, for Or Bakery has finally opened up a shop in Burj Jassim.  Read more »

Monty Bojangle Truffles from Choco Bites

By | April 15, 2013

The other day I received an email from the two sisters who own a small home-business selling Belgium Monty Bojangle chocolate products via their instagram account (@Choco_bites).  They wanted to send me a sample of their products to try and when I knew there were truffles involved I couldn’t refuse. A big pink bag was delivered to me within an hour chock-full of their products. Read more »

Or Bakery’s Chocolate Gift

By | April 21, 2011

Remember my Or Bakery Chocolate Brownies post (link)? The nice owner of Or Bakery contacted me two days ago to thank me for the post and she sent me a box of her scrumptious Read more »

Or Bakery’s Heavenly Chocolates

By | January 26, 2011

The first thing I celebrated with yesterday was the arrival of my Chocolate Brownies from Or Bakery! I called them a day before and asked for half a kilo to be delivered to me on Tuesday Evening. At 4 P.M. Exactly they delivered the Read more »