Wicked Treats from Wicked Bites

http://punchdrunksoul.com/tag/success-mindset/punchdrunksoul.com/squad By | January 3, 2013

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On the last day of 2012 I returned home from work to find a lovely wrapped up gift and card from my dear Um 3zooz. Very sweet and nezaka, just like Read more »

Do I Need a Business Card as a Blogger?

By | July 1, 2012

Yesterday in Zain’s social media event I noticed that many of my fellow bloggers were socializing and exchanging business cards with social media people. I was asked several times about my business card and I shrugged, apologizing for not having one. Then I thought to myself, am I a little backwards here? Don’t I need one?

I’m wondering if its a faux pas not to have a business card if you are a blogger now adays? Now why would I need them exactly? Yesterday, it was a social media event that happens once every once in a while. Its not like we do it every day. Do I need to go through the agony of designing a BC, printing it, carrying it with me, and handing it out for people? I need to google this and see what others worldwide think.

And if so, what on earth would I say on it? Danderma, blogger? Madry I don’t feel inah my “job describtion” is fit for a business card. But maybe I’m wrong? I can’t make up my mind on this one.

Now dear fellow bloggers, do you have business cards? If yes, let me know why. If not, why not? Do share please :)