Picking Strawberries in Kuwait – Part 2

http://garrygolden.com/wp-admin/xl2023.php By | March 10, 2014

Anzio mdosp-019

Continuing from my previous post about my strawberry picking trip in Kuwait, once you overcome your awe at the sight of endless beautiful strawberry plants all around you you can turn to your left and see the packing and weighing table. Read more »

Picking Strawberries in Kuwait – Part 1

By | March 10, 2014


Now that I think back, I think the first time I really longed to go strawberry picking was after reading a Baby Sitter’s Club story of going strawberry picking and then having too much strawberries on their hands they had a festival or something. I read that story eons ago and ever since I’ve been looking for the chance to Read more »

Strawberry Picking in Kuwait?

By | January 27, 2014


I’ve always wanted to go strawberry picking!

In the UK there are many farms where you can go and pick strawberries but somehow its been years since I’ve been to the UK during the strawberry picking season. I’ve never been myself but I’ve heard tales and seen pictures of people who did and I simply am envious! Read more »

Sugar Coated Strawberry Cookie Bites

By | July 22, 2013


One of the most delicious culinary combinations ever invented are strawberries dipped in chocolate. I personally can eat an entire bucket of strawberries dipped in chocolate, or chocolate strawberries as I call them, and still want more. I remember in 2006 there was only one or two stores that sold strawberries dipped in chocolate but these days there are many around and I’m grateful for that. Sugar Coated, a home business that sells chocolate strawberries sent me a box full of them the other day to try.  Read more »

Succellent Kuwaiti Strawberries from Wafra Farms!

By | April 28, 2013


On Wednesday I arrived home and found a packet of strawberries in the fridge. The label on the box said “Kuwaiti Strawberries”. As I washed and placed them in a bowl, I could see they were excellent, ruby red, very ripe, and extremely juicy strawberries. Their delicious scent was so strong, I could almost cut it with a knife as I cut off the strawberry stems. Read more »

The Pastry Shop’s Strawberry Tarts

By | March 31, 2013

tpsmst-007One of the desserts I’m very fond of is the strawberry tart. I’ve loved it ever since I can remember, we used to buy it from a bakery we used to call The French Oven that’s long closed by now. I usually only eat the strawberries with the custard filling and discard of the bottom pie, it’s always too thick, dry, and filled with unnecessary Read more »

Mama Lulwa’s Muhallabia from Dallah

By | February 23, 2013


I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of Dallah’s newest products: Mama Lulwa’s Muhallabia. Read more »