Jamrat Ghadha’s Tea Cups Stand

purchase generic Lyrica By | June 10, 2013


I have a confession to make, I’m an estekana addict! Estekana in Kuwaiti means little cups used to drink tea, and I would take any excuse for getting myself a new set of estekanat that take my breath away. One very good excuse for buying a Read more »

My Beautiful Orange Acrylic Tray

By | September 26, 2012

Ever since I moved to my new apartment and began redecorating I’ve gone into a frenzy of a supressed obsession of mine: buying tea sets and tableware. I don’t seem to be able to stop searching around for delicious designs and wanting to buy them.

One of my favorite shopping destinations is Read more »

The First Ramadan Ghabga

By | July 26, 2012

Yesterday we hosted the first Ramadan ghabga in our new apartment and we had so much fun! There is nothing better than a cosey home gathering with good food, good company, and laughter. The best thing is that it didn’t take much effort at all, just place Read more »

A Cosey Dinner with a Friend…

By | June 24, 2012

Last week one of my dear friends came over for dinner. I was really excited given that I had a few things I wanted to try out and let me say it must have been the easiest dinner I’ve ever put together! The first thing I put out is, of course, flowers. Read more »