The Cheddar Ploughmans Sandwich By | February 21, 2016

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I and the Ploughman’s sandwich go way back, summer of 1993 to be exact which makes our friendship 23 years old come summer! I did already tell you about it in my trip to Richmond upon Thames post when I talked about the first ever packed lunch I picked up on my own and headed to a bench on the park to eat it and enjoy my own company and thoughts. I was 13, I never had a packed lunch, or sat in a park alone, or tried the cheddar ploughman’s before and it was from M&S, and I can still remember the softness of the bread as I bit into it, the sharpness of the cheddar, the crunch of the tomato and the tangy sweetness of the “spread” that, mixed with a hint of creamy mayo, really made all the difference back then, implanting the memory of having that sandwich deep in my memory and opening a doorway to a special place in my heart for the sandwich to forever reside. Read more »

Obsessed with Labna Sandwiches for Breakfast

By | August 21, 2013


Ever since we began having breakfast again I’ve been crazy about having Labna sandwiches for some reason. I used to think I like labna just fine, but I’ve come to the realisation that I adore labna and actually prefer it more than cheese for breakfast. Funny how you can still discover things you’ve never known about yourself. If you don’t know what labna is, it’s more a dairy product that tastes as tangy as Greek yoghurt and has the consistency of spreadable cheese, a tad runnier though. Read more »

The First Ramadan Ghabga

By | July 26, 2012

Yesterday we hosted the first Ramadan ghabga in our new apartment and we had so much fun! There is nothing better than a cosey home gathering with good food, good company, and laughter. The best thing is that it didn’t take much effort at all, just place Read more »

Review: Dinner at Manqoola…

By | February 13, 2011

I’ve heard so much about Manqoola in 52 Degrees… So i’ve decided to have dinner there on my first visit to the newest shop in town… Read more »